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From here I can see several small groups of driders moving around on the plains. They don't seem to be wandering aimlessly, it looks like they are on patrol. Out in the open there is no chance of us making it to the orchards without being spotted.

Then again I was never planning to sneak around and avoid fighting the driders. After all, I want to level up and killing them is the quickest way I can think of. So, now the question is do I lure them to the cave or go fight in the open.

If I lure them to the cave Kechara can't fly and we can't all fight at once, but we can't be surrounded or trapped. If we fight in the open we can use all our abilities but we will face more at once and could end up surrounded. Fighting in the cave is obviously the safer path, but I am not in the mood to play it safe right now.

So after looking around a bit more I lead everyone out of the cave and onto the plains. We haven't gone far when the first patrol spots us and charges towards us. It consists of four driders, two melee type and two caster type, plus four skeletons.

Bones and I move in front and cut down the skeletons as they reach us. Kechara and Asuna are right behind us ready to move out and flank the driders. Everyone moves without me saying anything, almost as if we had actually practiced this tactic.

Skeleton defeated! 25 Exp gained!

Skeleton defeated! 25 Exp gained!

Skeleton defeated! 25 Exp gained!

Skeleton defeated! 25 Exp gained!

'Awesome! I even get exp for the ones Bones kills! This feels awesome!'

As the driders reach us Bones and I go for the two melee types, at the same time Kechara and Asuna move. They go around us and the melee types to attack the casters in the back. The driders die quickly, one on one they don't stand a chance against any of us.

Drider defeated! 100 Exp gained!

Congratulations! You have gained a level!

Level 2: HP +200, DP +100, Stat points +10!

Drider defeated! 100 Exp gained!

Drider defeated! 100 Exp gained!

Congratulations! You have gained a level!

Level 3: HP +200, DP +100, Stat points +5!

Spells: Holy Word level 2, Holy Light level 2!

New Spell: Bless Weapon level 1!

Abilities: Holy Aura level 2!

Drider defeated! 100 Exp gained!

'I got exp from everyone's kills?! Already level 3!! This is awesome!!'

The others are already looking around for the next fight, while I am slightly stunned. I didn't expect the driders to be such good exp, but then again a real level one couldn't kill a drider easily. If the exp from each kill stays the same, then with the number of driders down here I can level up like mad!

Honestly, leveling so fast feels like cheating, but I like it! As I replay the short battle in my mind I notice a few things. For one, Blitz tore through the drider like it was made of tissue paper. Second, Bones had the most trouble killing his drider, it took him several attacks.

Both Kechara and Asuna killed their driders in just one attack, like me. All in all, our teamwork was almost perfect, the driders never stood a chance. The driders seem a lot weaker than I remember them being, but it is just that I have gotten stronger.

As I am standing there trying to take in all the information another patrol spots us and charges towards us. This group has an additional caster type so it is five driders and six undead. Without me having to say anything Asuna and Kechara move behind Bones and I to wait.

Bones and I slaughter the undead easily as they reach us and then we move on the driders. I cut down my melee type and then the middle caster, Bones handles the other melee type. Again Asuna and Kechara flank them and attack the two outside casters, it only takes seconds.

4 Skeletons defeated! 100 Exp gained!

2 Zombies defeated! 40 Exp gained!

5 Driders defeated! 500 Exp gained!

Congratulations! You have gained a level!

Level 4: HP +200, DP +100, Stat points +10!

It is hard for me to believe how easy this is and how fast I am leveling up. To think how much I struggled last time I was down here, it is kind of sad. Then again, I am only dealing with small groups, not surrounded by thousands, yet.

Looking around I don't see any more patrols nearby, so I take a minute to go through all the notification windows. As I do I notice that even levels only seem to give some extra stat points, not that it's a bad thing. Odd levels give spell and ability levels as well as new spells from the looks of it.

'Let's see how my stats are looking. Stats!'

HP: 7773/7773

SP: 2025/2025

DP: 500/500

Strength: 712

Agility: 644

Endurance: 612

Intelligence: 346

Wisdom: 613

Charisma: 245

Willpower: 158

Luck: 92

Toughness: 152

Regen: 77

Fortitude: 152

Leadership: 60

Unspent Points: 80

'Okay, 80 stat points to spend. It will only let me add points to my six basic stats and leadership. Since I plan to be king my leadership will probably be really important. Besides, my other stats are all much higher!'

Add 80 points to Leadership? Y/N


Leadership: 140

With that done I start looking around for another patrol group, one more should get me to level 5. Not seeing any close by, I start leading the others across the plains towards the orchard. After all, we don't need to run around chasing the driders, they will come to us.



This seems like a trap. I don't like it. It seems like the driders are luring Ash in because before it seems like every single time he fought one of them and he killed it he ended up having about two or three more pop up. It just seems too easy this time around and I remember that it seemed like there was a intelligence controlling the driders, the undead, and the spider things. Also if I remember correctly it seemed like there was an army of the three creature types (Drider/Undead/Giant Spider) the size of this army was like thousands of not more and it seemed like it was growing from each kill. I mean I could be wrong and I'm hoping this time that I am. They just seem to not officially die. I mean they die then come back to life. I don't know maybe I am imagining it. Maybe I'm thinking about a different battle. I hope I'm just being paranoid. In the end they still need to be delt with and eliminated. So go Ash!!!


Oh nice. Leveling up feels so good! I'm so happy for Ash. Can't wait for the next chapter. What spells he will gain with new levels? With his new abilities I don't think he will have issues to annihilate all driders and their controller.


Man and after so long of not leveling, ash can finally reap the benefits that he's been missing out on since arriving to this wonderful world. And look at these level ups! They are gonna boost him up even further... Maybe he can even demolish what ever is going wrong in this place and give him either a secret place for him to use as a base? 😬😓 I dunno... Maybe if it didn't make kechara stay there? Maybe with his new powers fueling the spells or maybe even with Yui help he can make it less dependent on being fed to maintain the shield... Then he can take out his amazing animal companions with Lizzy as well he has a huge advantage to any sort of shadow army that crap king would have... Aw man think if he could make Lizzy sacred too! O.O omg! Anyways sorry just wanted to go all out there for a sec. My bad. 😬😅 Anyways this is like grinding boars in the woods. And these first levels are always a breeze to get. I can't wait to see how far he can go before the system slows...(imma say maybe 12) I mean there were almost like an infinite amount of driders and with the casters raising skeletons it seems to go on forever last time. But with all of his limiters off and the amazing rewards from all of his hard work in the tower really paid off. These guys are nothing to him now. And this amazing teamwork is just falling into line like they knew everything he needed them to do. I definitely think bones will have a huge gain while working on taking down all these driders. I just hope ash doesn't get too reckless and gets himself surrounded... 😬 Good luck ash! I can't wait to see how this goes! Omg I went all out again. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Go for it don't be sorry! I love that. I have same feelings about it. I didn't thought about making lizzy sacred. That would be awesome!


After the war with undead he will anihilate these driders with his wide range attacks.


Heck yeah! Ash is going to slay! How far you think he'll level?


Well I think Ash is going to step into a trap but the trap is going to back fire on the enemy because the enemy will remember Ash from before and will take the same measures to attack and maybe some new measures to keep Ash from excaping this time. Though Ash is going to make a complete retard out of the enemy when he demolishes the enemy's trap that is attempting to surrounding him. The enemy is going to be like I got you now and Ash is going to be like I don't think so while completely devastating the enemy's army of driders and so forth. I bet the enemy is going to be bulging eyes when Ash destroys the enemy's forces.


I think he will get atleast 15th level.