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As soon as I start to lose the advantage I declare it is time for breakfast and get dressed. Before heading to eat I make sure to pack all my clothes and my armor into my pouch. I plan to leave immediately after breakfast so I try to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.

The two of them don't bother waiting for me, they run off as soon as they hear the word breakfast. Considering how much the two of them eat I should probably ask Yui to restock my food supplies. Otherwise I will end up needing to hunt before I make it down the mountain.

After checking the room one last time I leave and join the others for breakfast. My armor is in my pouch because I can't wear it, it doesn't have slots for my wings. So for now I plan to go without armor, with my clothes being enchanted I am not losing much in the way of protection.

In fact using the tabard, cloak, and boots I got from the test I probably have better protection. They will definitely help in dealing with the cold outside, much better than the coat I made. All in all, I am expecting the trip down to be much easier than the trip up was.

As I sit down to enjoy my last breakfast in the tower I realize I have really enjoyed my time here. I am going to miss this place, it is almost like this is my second home after the inn. During breakfast I talk to Nived as much as I can, I feel guilty that I am leaving him here alone.

From the conversation I can tell he is nervous about being left alone but he doesn't complain. At least it will only be for a month or so and he has Yui to talk to. In a couple of weeks at most Kechara and Asuna will be back so that will help as well.

To help pass the time I describe all the people I expect to come through the teleporter. Both to ease Nived's mind and so that Yui will recognize them on sight. I expect I will be too busy to come through the teleporter at first, so the girls will probably visit without me.

Once breakfast is done we all head to the front door, Nived comes along to say goodbye. By the front door is a pile of stuff for me to put into my pouch, including food supplies. It looks like Yui already thought of everything and I won't need to ask for anything.

Yui says "Here, Ash. I found this in storage. It is a tent made for a dozen people, so it should just fit Kechara."

"Thank you! This will help when I can't find a cave."

Yui says "It is magical and will protect you from any type of weather. It also has command words to set it up and take it down."

"That is super useful! Thank you, Yui."

Yui says "You are welcome! Come back soon!"

Nived says "Safe travels! See you in a month or so!"

After saying my goodbyes to them I pick up the backpack and open the front doors. Then I freeze in shock, I totally forgot that it was winter outside. The snow has been piling up ever since I entered the tower and now it looks completely different outside.

As soon as I move out of the shadow of the tower the snow is up to my chest. Of course Kechara and Asuna are having no problems at all with the snow. Kechara is gliding around on top of the snow like a snake and Asuna is just running around.

Calling Asuna over I grab hold of her fur and that allows me to walk on top of the snow. I decide to dismiss Bones for now, no point in making Kechara carry him. With Asuna's help I am able to move at a decent clip, but I have to keep hold of her at all times.

The snow is the only real problem I face, both the cold and the thin air don't affect me at all this time. Since I don't need to follow the path anymore I let Kechara choose our route. She has a knack for finding the easiest path and I take complete advantage of her ability.

With Kechara leading the way and Asuna enabling me to walk on the snow we make really good time. By the end of the first day we have already moved beneath the cloud layer. Not finding any caves, when the sun starts to set I decide to use the tent.

All I have to do is take it out and put it on the ground and say the command word. Not only does it erect itself but it anchors into the ground enough that even an avalanche shouldn't budge it. With all three of us inside there isn't any space to move around, but we are used to snuggling.

Luckily, Yui provided plenty of cooked food so I don't have to try lighting a fire. After a cold but delicious dinner Asuna and I pile on top of Kechara and we all go to sleep. In the morning, after breakfast, the tent collapses and folds itself up after I utter the command word.

'I really love this tent!!'

After putting the tent in my pouch we continue moving down the mountain. At this rate, barring any problems, we should make it back to Kechara's cave by nightfall. In the end we actually get there a few hours before sunset, it seems I underestimated Kechara's pathfinding.

Maybe it is a part of her ability as the guardian, whatever the case it is really handy. Since both of them aren't tired I tell them to go play outside while I build a fire. Asuna is really eager to explore, I guess she was bored having to stick beside me the entire time.

It turns out Yui giving us a lot of food was a good thing, I didn't see a single living thing on our way down the mountain. Hunting is certainly out of the question, everything is probably hibernating. Once the fire is going the cave warms up quickly and is soon feeling quite cozy.

When Kechara and Asuna come in from playing I realize just how much they have grown. With both of them inside, the cave suddenly seems really cramped. Using the fire to warm up our dinner brings back memories of when I first found Kechara.

While they are eating I take out the quilts Yui gave me and place them on the nests for Kechara and Asuna. When they finish eating and climb into their nests I realize it was a good idea to make them bigger. Both of them are bigger now than their parents were when I killed them.

Once they are settled in I explain to Asuna what the soulscape is and how it works. Then I create a soulscape, a copy of the city, and invite the two of them inside. After letting them explore a bit I start creating driders for them to fight.



Magic in the tower is so super useful. I want that tent. Can't wait for driders asses beat up.


Aw man I'm so pumped I can't wait to read the fight scene. I hope he is able to take out every drider and whatever is controlling them. It would be amazing. Also showing off his new companions to the tamer would be adorable. I wanna see if ruby is alright... I can't wait to read more this story always gets me excited when I see a new update.


Devin continues his book everyday so look forward to reading it each day.


Oh I do... I'm actually gonna try and keep myself from reading it immediately... So I can have a couple chapter build. (That and today I'm going to be busy playing Pathfinder with some friends today)


Oh wow I wish I could join you I don't happen to have anyone who plays DND or Pathfinder or any other RPG's


Aw that's too bad. My group might be slow but I'm happy I get a moment to play... 🤦🏻‍♀️