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Yui says "I still don't understand how you ended up with wings."

"To be honest I am not really sure myself. I am hoping the goddesses can tell me what happened."

Yui says "Well, I can't help you there. Let me know if you need anything."

"Will do. Thanks."

I wait until Nived has left for his lessons and the others head off to the library. Then I head to my bedroom where I am not likely to be interrupted or disturbed.

'Create Soulscape!'

I keep the soulscape simply, just a single room with comfortable furnishings. This way there is nothing to distract me, the conversation is going to be my focus.

"Krenocia, Seronia, I invite you to my soulscape!"

Since I don't expect them to show up instantly I spend the time practicing with my new wings. The first I know that Krenocia has shown up is when I hear her laughing after I faceplant.

Krenocia says "Why the sudden interest in having wings?"

"Because, I grew a pair after I destroyed the temple."

Krenocia says "You what?!"

"Yeah, I was hoping you could help explain it."

Krenocia says "We should wait for my sister. Living things are her department."

Seronia says "Hello, Ash, sister. Oh, what pretty wings!"

"Hello, Seronia. Now that you are here I guess it's story time."

After creating some tea and snacks I wait until they are comfortable before telling my story. I start the story with my return to Illium from being kidnapped and go from there. Since I don't know how much chance they have had to keep an eye on me I go heavy on the details.

It takes quite a while to tell them everything that has happened since then. I can tell they have questions but they wait until I am done with the story before asking them.

Krenocia says "Now that the temple is gone I can sense something from beneath the mountain. Enough to tell there is death energy there at least, not much more."

Seronia says "Sorry to disappoint you but we have no knowledge of any 'First Ones'. We barely know anything about the races that were here before our people migrated."

"So many unanswered questions. My poor curiosity!"

Krenocia says "Sorry, Ash. But as you pointed out, our knowledge is limited by our followers."

Seronia says "I can tell you about your wings and what happened to you."

"That would help. Thanks!"

Seronia says "The energy gathered by the temples is a mix of divine and primal energy. When it merged with you it made you complete for lack of a better term."

"Okay, but a complete what?"

Seronia says "Sacred beast. You apparently were already one with a heavy focus on lightning. It simply completed that transformation."

Krenocia says "I cannot sense any demonic energy from you, only from your sword."

"So you are saying I am a sacred beast and only a sacred beast?"

Seronia says "Yes, and the process made you a higher rank of sacred beast, hence the wings."

'Does this mean the unicorn actually predicted this would happen to me?'

"Just out of curiosity, what would happen to me if I absorbed an angel's core now?"

Seronia says "Unless it is a greater angel's core it will only advance your core progress. If it is a greater angel's core then it would fuse with your core and make you a half-angel."

Krenocia says "Why are you asking? Do you have an angel's core?"

"Yes, two. I got them from the angels of Holos I killed."

Krenocia says "I remember you telling us about that, but I thought you already absorbed the cores."

"I wasn't capable of absorbing them at the time, and to be honest I forgot about them for quite a while."

Seronia says "I know upgrading your core is important, but is there a chance you would be willing to not absorb the cores?"

"Why? Do you have a better use for them?"

Seronia says "Yes. I am not yet strong enough to create angel cores, but if I have the cores I can create angels loyal to us."

"Sure, you can have them. I'd rather not risk becoming a half-angel and having to start over with my core again."

Seronia says "If you are sure, then thank you, Ash."

Krenocia says "Ash, you are here to receive a reward for destroying the temple, yet you are helping us again."

"Helping is my job, besides it is also helping myself."

Seronia says "Do you want your reward now, or do you have more questions first?"

"I have more questions, starting with where the other temples are."

Krenocia says "The temple of fire is on a small volcanic island almost due south of the mountain you are on."

"Oh, I think I saw the island you mean when I was kidnapped."

Seronia says "The temple of water is in a small mountain lake at the northern edge of the peninsula."

Krenocia says "And the temple of earth is deep underground, beneath the kingdom you were summoned in."

"Ugh, I think I know where you mean."

Seronia says "If you get closer to one and contact us again we can guide you to it."

"Are they going to be similar to the temple of wind?"

Seronia says "Yes, almost identical."

"Including the orb of energy?"

Krenocia says "Yes, just the energy will be of a different element."

"I was compatible with wind, but I won't be with the others. Is there a better way to destroy them than absorbing the orb?"

Seronia says "If you have someone with you who is compatible with the orb they can absorb it instead. Otherwise you will just have to destroy the orb, which will cause an explosion."

"By the way, did it work? Are you stronger now that the first temple is gone?"

Krenocia says "Yes! We felt stronger the instant you destroyed the temple!"

Seronia says "In fact we gained more power than expected."

"That's good! Any chance you can help me with my wings?"

Krenocia says "What help do you need? We can't teach you how to use them I am afraid."

"No, I will learn that eventually. I am more concerned with the color, white just doesn't fit. I was hoping you might be able to make them black."

Seronia says "How about one white one black? Then it will match our symbol!"

"Please, no!"

Krenocia laughs and says "Relax, she was just teasing you! I can make them black for you."

"Thank you!"

Seronia says "Now, ready for your reward?"



Oh that's a great idea! Two sexy black wings on a black lion! Yes you bujie stylish beast.


I can't wait to see the reward Ash is going to get.


Looks like Ash is going to add another one to his harem :P


How do the wings fit with his current outfit? He isn't worried about how he only just got an amazing new gear set that won't work with wings? Also this wings will completely change his movement ability and his swordmanship?

Devin Dineen

The outfit Raindrop made him is enchanted so it adjusts to fit him no matter what.


Oooh you got me there . Also the angel angle was very well played. Your call backs are legendary