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As the lines of undead pass by I do my best to count them, but I reach twenty thousand before all of them have passed me. Somewhere the enemy must have found more undead to add to their numbers. My count has reached twenty five thousand by the time I can finally see the end of the army.

As I expected there is more to worry about than just the three death knights. There is a group of around two hundred ettins, zombies from the looks of them. There are two giant figures that look to be made up of corpses and six death knights that I can see.

Despite all that I still don't see the leader, unless it is one of the death knights. My first objective is going to have to be the ettin zombies and the two giants. They can bring the town's wall down easily and if they do that then we lose.

So I drop down from my tree, draw my swords, and move into the enemy army. I head towards the ettins cutting my way through the lesser undead. The undead just keep marching forward, they are ignoring me completely.

Even the ones closest to me don't react to my presence, which makes it even easier to cut them down. I cut down hundreds of them as I make my way towards the ettin zombies. It is only as I get close that I realize I never got more bolts for Rocksplitter.

Well, I guess that just means I am going to have to do this the hard way. When I reach the first ettin zombie I jump over it, as I pass between its heads I lash out with my swords. As soon as I land I jump again at a different ettin, soon I feel like a rabbit.

After killing my tenth ettin I finally get a reaction, all the ettins stop moving forward and focus on me. I also notice one of the death knights is riding towards me. I quickly lose sight of the death knight as the ettins close in around me.

The ettins attacking me make my job much easier, now I can just stand on top of a corpse and reach their heads. While fighting the ettins I try to keep an eye out for the death knight, but even so he almost catches me off guard. He comes charging up the pile of bodies still mounted on his skeletal horse.

Having learned my lesson from last time I target his horse first instead of him. When I manage to bring it down I take the extra time to make sure it is dead so he can't heal it. Only then do I start fighting the knight, while still dodging the attacks from the ettin zombies.

Luckily, the ettins are really slow and not much of a threat so I can focus on the death knight. It is as I am fighting the death knight that I hear the battle start up in the distance. Undead fight silently for the most part, but humans don't, they are noisy.

Even from this far away I can faintly hear the screams and battlecries. I need to hurry up, they will be overwhelmed if I don't kill a lot more of the undead. Especially since there are more undead than I expected, but first I have to get past this death knight.

He is really annoying, every time I am about to go for the death blow he manages to hide behind an ettin. Every time he hides I kill the ettin that he is hiding behind, and soon we are fighting on a hill made of ettin bodies. The footing becomes more difficult, but reaching the heads of the ettins becomes easier.

After a few more minutes of fighting the sky to the south lights up and I hear a loud roar. That means they have fired the trench and that I am running out of time. It is time to stop playing around and use my head, so I let the death knight attack me.

I parry his attack and let him get in close, he is trying to hold me still for the ettins to hit. I allow the ettins to hit me, they can't do much to me anyway. This allows me to get even closer to the death knight and once I am close enough I headbutt him as hard as I can.

My headbutt not only shatters his helmet but fractures his skull as well, just as I was hoping. Before the death knight can recover and try to heal I grab him and pull him into another headbutt. This time I completely destroy his skull and for a second every undead within sight freezes.

It is only a second or two before they start moving again, but they seem just a little bit slower now. If it isn't just my imagination then I need to hurry and kill the other death knights. Before I can do that I need to finish off these ettins and go after those two giants.

As I look around I realize I still have about half of the ettin zombies left to deal with. Although, without the death knight getting in my way I can move a lot faster. For now I focus on killing off the remaining ettins just as fast as I can.

Once the last of the ettin zombies is dead I look to the south and from the fading glow I can tell the trench is almost out. In the distance I can still see the two giants so I take off after them, cutting down every undead in my way. If I can just stop the two giants from reaching the wall then we might still have a chance of winning this.

The problem is they look a lot like that thing I found in the ancient empire's mine. Made up of corpses that will become zombies if I cut it apart. The best plan would be to burn them, but Nived is busy on the wall so I need to do something.

My best option is Lightning Wave so as I come up behind the first giant I get ready to cast it twice. I have never tried this before but I am fairly sure that it will work. As I jump up to waist level on the giant I swing both swords in an X pattern and release the spells.

It works, each sword releases a lightning wave into the giant's body causing a lot of the corpses to explode. It is extremely messy but it is enough to cause the entire body to collapse. Only about half the bodies that made up the giant start moving on their own.

Quickly preparing another two lightning waves I move towards the other giant and repeat the process. With the giants down now all I have to worry about are the normal undead and the five remaining death knights. Before I go after the death knights I decide to cut my way to the trench and check on how the defenses are holding.



Go Ash kill, kill, kill, just make sure you keep a watch on your health if you don't you might make a mistake and die without knowing it because you didn't keep up with your stats. Just saying as a reminder.


Uf that's so intense. He got to be everywhere.


Well one human necromancer can't be everywhere and yes the necromancer is said to be human via a episode several episode back so my question is why do you continue to say the necromancer is everywhere? I mean your human and can you be everywhere? I know I'm human and I can't be everywhere. Just saying the logical thing here is the necromancer is nearby because I have never read any book with necromancers in it or played any game that has a necromancer that can leave and go somewhere else and not be near his minions, aka; skeletons, zombies, undead beings etc. It's kinda a rule that's been past down through the ages. I just hope you don't get offended for my input on necromancers and their minions from all my background experience. Then again this isn't my book and in this book maybe the controller and his minions can part ways who knows.


Don't worry. I'm not easily offended. I like to discuss posabilities. English is not my first language so I'm sorry for possible miscommunication. I meant he might be on pretty big distance from his minions. Let's say like a long range wifi but his knights can think to some extent and he might give them overall orders and go hide somewhere or wait in town pretending to be one of the defenders and see how fight are going. As soon as he his army is in the range of his command he can make changes. But probably my theory is wrong, he probably in the middle of his army somewhere according to how his minions react to Ashes encounters. He start to feel or see bigger casualties not rite away.


That seems more likely. Though I never did think that maybe one of the people in the town could be the necromancer that would be a pure genius move. Though it would be completely dangerous but really a good move. Also I am glad that you are fluent in two languages it help in many ways so way to go!


That was really creative. Very awesome use of the skills. That should really put them on level footing. We shall see... 😬😅