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As soon as breakfast is ready the three of us dig in, Kechara and I are having meat and fruit while Asuna is just eating meat. Once she is done eating Asuna quickly falls asleep, but I was expecting that so I pick her up and put her on top of Kechara's head. Kechara doesn't seem to mind and she just moves a little slower than usual as she is being careful to keep her head steady.

This actually makes it a little easier for me to keep up with Kechara, I am struggling because the storm dropped about four feet of snow. With the snow up to my waist most of the time I am not able to move very quickly. After an hour of trudging through the snow I am already starting to feel tired, even with my stats it is a lot of work.

Right as I am about to call Kechara to stop so I can take a break I see Asuna wake up and look around. When she spots me she runs down Kechara's body until she is close enough and then she jumps across to my shoulder. As soon as she touches me my next steps put me on top of the snow, and for some reason it holds my weight.

It must be a power of Asuna, and as she sits calmly on my shoulder I am able to walk across the snow as if it was solid ground. Now I am able to walk at my normal speed without getting tired, I thank Asuna and reach up to pet her as I walk. With this we should be able to get home before dinner time, if not lunch time.

In fact we make better time heading back than we did when we came this way, mainly because even then I was wading through snow. When Kechara's cave comes into sight just before lunch time I quickly realize that Asuna's power could be very useful for me to get to the temple. Once we are inside I start cooking lunch while Asuna runs around exploring the cave.

Kechara curls up in her nest and watches the food cook, Asuna climbs up and explores around her. Seeing this I think I should probably make Asuna a nest as well, I don't want them getting jealous of each other. With that in mind once the food is ready I make sure to give them their shares at the same time.

As long as I can keep anything from happening until they get used to each other I think things will work out how I want. After eating I ask Kechara to do a check on the barriers and I tell her that while she is gone I will make a nest for Asuna. She doesn't seem to mind and she even gives Asuna a lick before she leaves.

With a full belly Asuna quickly falls asleep, I figure while she is napping is the perfect time to make her a nest. Again I am going to judge by her mother's size and make it big enough for double that size. This way even if she ends up growing the way Kechara did the nest will be plenty big enough for her.

While I am at it I widen the main chamber of the cave, since there are three of us now it just makes sense to have a bit more room. It is fairly surprising that Asuna sleeps through all of the noise I am making while I work. When Kechara returns she takes one look at all the mess and starts using her tail to sweep the cave.

Of course this is when Asuna wakes up, and she quickly starts trying to chase Kechara's tail. Kechara is more than willing to play and keeps her tail just out of reach for a while before suddenly reversing direction. Asuna has no time to react and gets caught by the tail, but all Kechara does is ruffle her fur gently before letting her free.

After that the game reverses with Asuna running away from Kechara's tail. Watching Asuna I am amazed at how quick and nimble she is, even considering her current size. Again I find myself feeling glad that I fought her mother in a confined space.

Considering how thin Asuna was I can only imagine her mother was desperate to find food for her. It makes me feel bad for having killed her, but I didn't really have much choice. To make up for it I will make sure Asuna grows up strong and healthy, just like I am doing with Kechara.

Once all the work is done and everything is cleaned up I question Kechara about the barriers. After giving her five stones I ask how bad the barriers were with each stone having a value. She understands easily enough and when I am done she pushes one stone forward, meaning the barriers were not bad at all.

From that I can estimate that Kechara only needs to go and check them once every two weeks or so. Of course to make her understand this I have to explain what a week is, but once I say every ten sunsets or so she understands completely. Again I am reminded that I don't even know if this world uses a seven day week or not.

Since I still have some time before dinner I pull the boar's hide out of my pouch and start working on it. It is big enough that I should be able to make the coat I want and use the rest to line Asuna's nest. Asuna comes over and watches what I am doing, she seems fascinated and it reminds me of Kechara.

When I find myself with a strip of hide that won't be useful I give it to her to play with. The effect is similar to when you give a piece of string to a kitten and Asuna is soon wrestling with the string. Kechara just watches her play, except when Asuna gets tangled up and can't get out, then she helps her.

As I work on the coat I start to realize my face is hurting, when I realize it is because I have been smiling way too much while watching them. Deciding to finish the coat after dinner I rub my sore cheeks before I start cooking. As soon as I place the meat over the fire to cook I have both Asuna and Kechara watching me intently.

While they are eating I take some of the boar hide that I have cut away and make a small nest for Asuna to sleep on. After I am done with the coat I will make it better, but for tonight it should be plenty for her. As soon as Asuna finishes eating I can see her eyes starting to close so I scoop her up and put her in the nest.

She snuggles in happily and is soon fast asleep, and then I sit with Kechara and read for a couple of hours since that has become kind of our routine. Once Kechara climbs into her nest to sleep I go back to working on my coat, I want to finish it so I can head to the temple soon.


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