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It sounds a lot like Lizzy, but she should still be on the other side of the land bridge from here. I guess it could be another of her species but if so I could be in serious trouble. Lizzy is probably the most dangerous creature I have ever encountered, I do not want to fight another of her species.

The hissing gets closer and closer and then suddenly I see her come out of the jungle and come racing up towards us. That is absolutely Lizzy, even at this distance I can recognize her, but she shouldn't be here. It only takes her two minutes to reach me and as she does she stops and wraps her neck around me and licks my face.

"Alright, Lizzy, that's enough! You can have some meat!"

Lizzy dances happily around me while Vacker sits there with a look of horror on his face. I quickly explain to him that Lizzy is a friend which he should have known from Bones not reacting to her. He starts to relax as he sees me petting and scratching Lizzy, especially when she rolls onto her back for me to rub her belly.

Myria yells "Stupid Lizard! Where did you run off to?"

Mericel says "She is up there with Ash!"

Myria says "Ash? Where?!"

Mericel beats Myria to the ridge and simply says hi and then drifts off to the side to watch the show. I am expecting a flying hug, but what I get is a flying double knee to my gut. Myria manages to knock me over and land on me still with both knees.

Myria yells "How. Dare. You. Let. Yourself. Get. Kidnapped."

Getting knocked over and yelled at I don't really mind, but she emphasizes every word with a punch to my jaw. Myria is a beastwoman and is not weak, I feel each and every punch, and it is not a pleasant experience. What is worse is she is crying as she punches me and I have no idea how to react.

The crying while punching me is bad enough, but when she stops punching and just cries into my chest I am at a loss. Even worse I can hear Drog laughing at me and that's when I notice Myria has Blitz on her back. I will ask later why it is wrapped in what looks like bandages, for now I am just glad to see them.

After a few minutes the tears end and Myria just clings to my chest as if she has no plans to move ever again. I still have no idea what I am supposed to do, I look over at Mericel but she is just smiling at me as if enjoying the show. Vacker looks angry, he also looks short of breath and a little pale.

Vacker says "An overgrown lizard, a bunny girl, and a ghost. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Ah, no. I thought I had all the time it would take us to cross the land bridge to tell you about everything."

Myria says "Master, who is this?"

"This is Vacker, a swordmaster I kind of saved."

Myria whispers "At least it isn't another woman!"

"Did you say something?"

Myria says "No master, nothing!"

Vacker says "Why do I feel like your life is much more interesting than you have let on?"

"Well, keep in mind I couldn't tell you anything I didn't want the demon lords to know."

Vacker says "Well, how about you start filling me in while you cook dinner?"

So I start by introducing everyone and then start telling Vacker my story from the beginning. As I talk I add another steak for Myria, then I start feeding Lizzy who is happy to accept. Vacker looks like he is going to cry as he watches Lizzy eat chunks of hydra meat from my hand.

Other than the steaks for the three of us, Lizzy ends up eating all the remaining hydra meat. When the last bite disappears into Lizzy's mouth Vacker does shed a few tears. But Lizzy's happy rumbles as she licks her chops clean is well worth it to me.

As I tell my story Myria keeps interrupting when I try to gloss over certain details. The more I try to make myself sound like less of a lunatic the more she interrupts, and even worse Mericel starts joining in. Between the two of them they make sure Vacker knows all the details of every mistake I have made since coming to this world.

They seem to be enjoying themselves, and they get Vacker to laugh several times. When the steaks are done those of us who can eat tear into them with gusto. Lizzy watches intently waiting for someone to drop some or get full enough to give her what's left.

Myria is the only one to make her happy by giving her what's left of her steak, Vacker and I finish ours. Once we are done eating we all relax by the fire as I continue my story with some interruptions. By the time the story is over Vacker has laughed so much that his ribs hurt.

"Alright, Myria, I'll take Blitz now, and you can tell me how and why you are here."

Myria says "Not yet, first you need to tell us what happened to you."

With a sigh I tell Myria and Mericel the story since I was captured, I leave the worst parts out. Vacker doesn't interrupt me but once I am done at Myria's prompting he fills in the details I skipped. He doesn't know what happened in Shendaw's castle but the details of my torture are bad enough.

Myria goes ballistic when she hears the details and it takes hours to calm her down and convince her Lady Xinun is too strong to attack. Mericel isn't much better, she is convinced Lady Xinun won't even see her coming. By the time I have convinced both of them to wait for revenge until the demons invade it is too late to continue talking.


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