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"Okay, so far so good. What else was decided?"

Lady Xinun says "As promised you will be given your freedom for your part in this plan. However you will not be returned to your city, you will have to make your own way back."

"And the reason for this?"

Lady Xinun says "It was decided that you will be a formidable enemy, but Lord Timment refused to go back on his word. So it was decided to make it harder on you to slow down your growth."

"Please pass on my respect to Lord Timment, I will remember his honor when we are enemies."

Lady Xinun says "I will do so. Just so you know I voted with Lord Timment, but we were out voted by the others."

"I must admit I am surprised, I thought you would want me dead most of all."

Lady Xinun says "No, the one I most want dead is Lord Shendaw. If you can assist in that happening I can forgive everything else that happened between us. Can you?"

"I will make you a deal."

Lady Xinun says "Now you sound like a demon! What deal do you offer?"

"I will assist in making sure Lord Shendaw dies, and I will forgive you for everything. In exchange you will give me Vacker when I leave."

Lady Xinun says "Well, he is old, and he has trained many soldiers for me. Very well I will agree to your deal. Assuming you can bring down Lord Shendaw and survive."


Lady Xinun says "You know you will most likely both die in the jungle."

"Possibly, but dieing free is better than living as slaves."

Lady Xinun says "If that is your choice then so be it. You and Vacker will be my guests until you are sent to Lord Shendaw. Until I hear of your fate, Vacker will remain here as my guest. If you win and survive then Vacker can leave with you."

"Fair enough. Is there anything else before I return to my training?"

Lady Xinun says "No, that was all."

Since we have a truce basically I stand up and give her a slight bow of respect before walking out of the great hall. I manage to make it to the stairs but then have to call the guards to help me the rest of the way back to my room. Once I am safely in a chair I tell Vacker the reason for my meeting with Lady Xinun.

Vacker says "So, if I make you strong enough to succeed in this crazy plan then I get to go free?"

"You will have to leave with me and try to make it across the land bridge, but yeah."

Vacker says "Sounds good, let's get back to training!"

"I'm still exhausted!"

Vacker says "Who cares? My freedom now depends on you so get up!"

With a grunt I drag myself to my feet under Vacker's prodding. He has become a completely different person and he pushes me to my absolute limits. He keeps me at it until I collapse, unable to even lift my head off the floor.

Due to intense exercise Str +2 End +1!

I don't even realize I have fallen asleep until Vacker kicks me awake two hours later. I feel like I can't move even if my life depends on it, until Vacker says the magic word, food. Even with that inspiration it takes me a few tries to pull myself into a chair.

My arms feel like limp noodles and it is a struggle just to get the food to my mouth. The food somewhat revives me as I slowly eat everything on the table. As soon as I am done eating I put my head down on my arms on the table and go back to sleep.

When I wake up stiff and sore I have no idea what time it is or how long I have slept. This room has no windows so I can't even tell if it is day or night. Looking around I finally find Vacker asleep in the bed, I let him sleep since as soon as he wakes up the training will continue.

It takes me an hour of stretching to work out all the kinks from sleeping at the table. I really want to be lazy since Vacker is asleep, but he was right when he said I couldn't afford to waste time. But since he isn't directing me I decide to practice the chop form instead of just doing the basics.

So I imagine Blitz is in my hands and start practicing, I keep my eyes closed to help my concentration. I imagine the feel of the hilt in my hands and the weight of the blade. I even imagine the swish as it cuts the air, then I hear a thunk and open my eyes to see the floor is cut.


Congratulations! You have acquired the Mental skill Mind Blade!

Mind Blade

Level: 1

Int +2 Willpower +1 Dmg + ¼ Int

A blade created with mental strength.


Immediately I try the skill again but keep my eyes open, it creates a translucent blue blade in my hands that looks exactly like Blitz. It may not do as much damage as Blitz but it is still better than fighting unarmed. This is exactly what I needed to give me an edge in the arena.

After some experimenting I find I can change the shape and size of the blade at will. The weight also changes to whatever I imagine it to be, but no matter how light or heavy it is the damage stays the same. Using the mind blade I go through a full set of the basics that Vacker taught me.

Due to intense exercise Str +1!

The mind blade uses up my mental energy, by the time I am done with the set of exercises my mind is as tired as my body. So I can't use it constantly, but I should be able to last for an entire fight. As long as I get a rest between fights in the arena I should be just fine.

Vacker says "That's the first time I have seen anyone other than a swordmaster create a sword will."

"Sword will??"

Vacker says "A sword made from pure willpower."

"Oh, can you make one?"

Vacker says "Yes, but only for a few seconds. Yours lasted almost thirty minutes, that is amazing! When did you learn to make a sword will?"

"Um, just now?"

Vacker says "WHAT?!?!?"


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