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Before I can make a sarcastic comment there is a loud dong sound that echoes through the hall. Then a second throne appears with another demon lord sitting in it. He is a large and imposing man, with a human body and the head of a dog.

Lady Xinun says "Welcome, Lord Bibiq."

So his name is Lord Bibiq, he looks just like Anubis so I was half expecting a similar name. From the feel of him he is even more powerful than Lady Xinun. My eyes are drawn to the spear leaning against the back of his throne, I can feel its power from here.

Lord Bibiq says "Greetings Lady Xinun, I like the new decoration."

Lady Xinun says "I will explain about him once the others arrive."

Another dong sounds and then a third throne appears with another demon lord in it. He is smaller than Bibiq but seems almost as strong, he looks mostly human except his skin is yellow. I don't see any weapons on him but he still gives me a dangerous feeling.

Lady Xinun says "Welcome, Lord Sakra."

Before the new lord can answer the dong sounds again and two more thrones appear. Now the five thrones form a circle, the two newest lords are the strongest of the five. One is mostly human except for his reddish skin tone and he is the most powerful of the five. The other is more snake than humanoid, he is basically a snake with arms and a face.

Lady Xinun says "Welcome, Lord Timment, Lord Zzenth."

Lord Zzenth says "Hello Xinun, is that a treat for me?"

Lady Xinun says "No, Lord Zzenth, he is the reason for this meeting."

Lord Timment says "Enough of this, just tell us why you called us here Lady Xinun."

Lady Xinun says "As you wish, Lord Timment. A short while ago I received an envoy from Lord Shendaw, he wanted me to turn against you and become his wife."

Lord Sakra says "That is no surprise, he has always desired you."

Lady Xinun says "True, it is not his first attempt to make me become his wife. However there was a complication this time. This prisoner who I had trapped in my soulscape somehow managed to escape and then attacked the envoy."

Lord Timment says "And what happened to the envoy?"

Lady Xinun says "He died from his wounds and then I ordered his guards killed."

Lord Zzenth says "So we should expect Lord Shendaw to attack you very soon."

Lord Bibiq says "That is fine by me, I never liked the idea of leaving those two behind us when we invaded the land bridge."

Lord Sakra says "True, they will definitely attack our lands as soon as our forces are split."

'I'm surprised, they are not arguing. I expected a lot more shouting and posturing between demon lords. If they go to war with the other two demon lords it will delay their invasion and give us more time to prepare.'

Lord Timment says "We are not ready for a war against the two of them, better to make peace and wait until we are ready."

Lady Xinun says "Do you have a way to make peace? I will say now that nothing in this world could make me marry that pig."

Lord Timment says "That is a shame, with your charms you could easily turn him against Lord Dra and help us destroy them both."

Lord Sakra says "Don't underestimate Lord Shendaw, there is a reason he is the second strongest demon lord."

Lady Xinun says "True, Lord Shendaw is a pig, but he is crafty and powerful as well."

Lord Timment says "I am well aware of his power, but actually, you marrying him was never my idea."

Lady Xinun says "Then what is your idea Lord Temment?"

Lord Timment says "Send Lord Shendaw an apology along with the prisoner. He will vent his rage on the prisoner and then accept your apology to keep his chances with you open."

'I definitely don't like that idea! But interrupting now would not be wise, I am learning a lot just by observing them.'

Lord Bibiq says "That could work, although I prefer we fight now and get it over with."

Lord Sakra says "We are not strong enough to defeat both of them without taking heavy losses. We need more time to build up our forces."

Lord Zzenth says "As we are building our forces so are they. We can't gain strength faster than them."

Lord Timment says "True, if we are to fight them now is as good as later. We will suffer a lot of losses but that will not change in the future."

Lord Sakra says "I agree, we should just deal with them now. If we don't they will take our territory while we are across the land bridge."

Lord Bibiq says "Then it would be easy for them to trap us and the new territory would instead become a prison."

Lady Xinun says "Alright let's vote, all in favor of dealing with them now?"

Lord Bibiq says "Me."

Lord Zzenth says "I also agree."

Lord Sakra says "I don't like the timing, but I also don't want to leave them behind us."

Lord Timment says "I agree we need to deal with them, but not in a frontal attack."

Lady Xinun says "Alright, we are in agreement that we need to deal with them before we invade. Now we should discuss plans on how to defeat them with the least losses."

Lord Timment says "Before we all start putting forth plans, I for one would like to know more about this prisoner. Especially since you didn't kill him after he killed the envoy."

Lord Sakra says "I agree, I am curious as well."

Lady Xinun says "Very well. He was captured by my lieutenant who was in the city of Illium scouting at my command. So far he has resisted all torture and has given up no information. He even killed the torturer that I had assigned to break him."

The eyes of all the lords turn to me, which I find rather uncomfortable to say the least. The amount of power contained in those gazes is truly terrifying, but as I meet those gazes I don't show my fear. No matter what happens they will always be my enemies, I won't show weakness.

Lord Sakra says "I'm confused, is he a demon or isn't he?"

Lord Timment says "Interesting, he seems to only be part demon, he still has a human soul."

Lady Xinun says "Exactly, that is why I haven't killed him. I wanted to find out what he is and what he knows before I kill him."


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