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Walter doesn't slow down at all and he doesn't say anything. He just walks very quickly with me following him until he reaches his shop. Once we are inside he seems to let out a breath and relax, it makes me wonder what his story might be.

Walter says "I need measurements. Take off your armor!"

Now it makes sense, he can't work without measurements, it must have been driving him crazy. Not wanting to argue, I quickly remove my armor and strip down to my underwear. Then I stand perfectly still as Walter takes his measurements.

Over the next hour Walter takes measurements of me in any number of poses. It seems he is focusing on my knees, maybe my backwards knees are giving him problems. He probably hasn't made something for a beastman before, but I'm sure he is up to it.

He finally seems to have taken enough measurements and he grabs some normal leather and starts cutting and sewing. Watching him it looks like he is making pants, probably testing a theory or something. His hands move like lightning, his skill is amazing to say the least.


Congratulations! Skill Leatherworking has progressed to level 6!


Level 6

Agi +6

You can craft items from leather.

'What? I got a level just from watching? He isn't even explaining anything!'

Maybe it is because his skill is so far above mine that just watching is giving me skill experience. It is an unexpected benefit but I don't plan to say anything, interrupting him would be bad. Even though I am sure what he is making is just a test it is still amazing watching a master work.

As soon as they are done Walter has me put them on and then he makes me run in place and jump around. After all that he doesn't seem happy with the way the pants fit around my knees. He tells me to take them off and throw them in the fire as he takes some more leather to start again.

He won't be happy until it is perfect so I guess I am going to be here for a while. I'm not even sure what he didn't like about the pants, they felt fine to me. No way am I going to argue with him though, I don't have the skill to even understand what he is muttering to himself.

I watch everything he does and even though I learn a lot I don't get another level up. As soon as the pants are done he again has me put them on and jump around to test them. This time he seems much happier with them, and even though they look exactly the same they do feel better.

Walter says "Alright, I don't need you anymore."

"Can I stay and watch?"

Walter says "No, get out."

Not wanting to upset him I quickly leave the shop. I would love to watch but I'm not going to argue. Instead I head back to the inn, it should be about lunch time. After eating another delicious meal I decide to wander around the city and do some sightseeing.

The buildings are mostly made of stone, they feel extremely old but they are really well maintained. The whole city makes me think of the way movies depict ancient rome. There are many grand buildings including the mages guild and the church.

The city is circular and is divided into four sectors, based on the four directions. Each district houses the embassy of one of the other four nations with the center housing Illium's capital building. North is the kingdom's embassy which is shut down, east is the Empire's embassy, and west is the Free Union's embassy.

The south should be the embassy for the beast lands but since there is no government they aren't treated as a nation. In the spot where the embassy should be is just an open air market. The market is the first place I see beastmen, apparently they come here to trade.

From what I know of beastmen these must be outcasts, tribesmen wouldn't lower themselves to trading. Maybe I should bring Pol to the city and have him start making contact with the outcasts. If I am going to rule the beastmen the whole outcast thing is going to change.

So far all the beastmen I have met have been from the outcasts, yet they have all been good people. Forcing the tribes to accept a new way of doing things where not everything is about strength is not going to be easy. But if I am going to rule them it won't be just to lead them to war, I will forge them into a proper nation.

The more I think about it, the more becoming the beast king appeals to me. There are so many things I can teach the beastmen, I can help them become more than they are. They just have to overcome their instincts and they could become an amazing race.

The future has a lot of possibilities, even if I am to die after the demon war there is a lot I can do before then. Although, if I want to do it I need to decide now and start setting things in motion. My mind made up, I turn and head towards the mages guild, I need to get Pol and a few others and send them to talk to the outcasts.

As I am walking I am thinking things through in my head and not really paying attention to what is around me. I am watching enough to not get lost and not run over people but that is all. So when someone grabs me and drags me into an alley it takes me by complete surprise.

What surprises me even more is when my back slams against a wall and my feet are dangling above the ground. Yet when I look at who is holding me I see what looks like a normal human, he even smells normal. But since he is holding me off the ground with one arm I know there is no way he is normal.

I grab his arm with both hands and try to force his arm back, but despite using all my strength I can't budge his arm. Who is this guy, how can he be so much stronger than me? I can't believe there is a human who can overpower me like this, it makes me feel weak.

???? says "Who is your master? What demon lord dared send a scout into territory claimed by Lady Xinun?"


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