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"Sarah, do you have a room available?"

Sarah says "Of course! How long will you be staying?"

"At least a few days, maybe more."

Sarah says "Alright, I will go get the room prepared. It is one gold per night, which includes breakfast and dinner. We also have a bathhouse in the back you can use."

"This place just keeps getting better!"

Before Sarah leaves I pull out five gold for her, I will pay more if I end up staying longer. It isn't like I need to worry about money, I have enough to last several lifetimes unless I go crazy with it. Besides, I can always go back to get more from the church if I need to.

Once he finishes eating Mitch wishes me a goodnight and leaves to go get some sleep. I agree to meet him at his shop in the morning, I can't pass up a chance to learn more about scrimshaw. Once I am done eating I happily head off to the bathhouse, I have the cleaning stone still but a real bath sounds much better.

After a good long soak Sarah shows me to my room, it isn't anything fancy but it is quite comfortable. After a good night's sleep and an amazing breakfast I am convinced I have found the best inn in this world. At some point I will need to bring the girls to Illium and bring them here to eat.

I hurry down the street and head into Mitch's shop, he is already working hard on something. He greets me and then starts explaining what he is doing and teaching me again. He occasionally asks me questions to test my knowledge and corrects me when I am wrong.

Once he finishes his newest set of tools he hands me my old set so I can practice while he starts on Walter's tools. Since I just watched him do it I decide to make a new tool set as well. I take my time and use everything Mitch has taught me, I want to practice it so I don't forget anything.


Congratulations! Skill Expert Scrimshaw has progressed to level 14!

Expert Scrimshaw

Level 14

Agi +18 Int +8

You can craft expert level bone items.

'Another level? Awesome! This is going way faster than learning on my own. Maybe I can stay here a few months and level all my crafts up.'

As I work Mitch is keeping an eye on me, he occasionally stops me and gives me a pointer to improve my technique. He is a really good teacher, I need to thank Walter for introducing me to him. Even if my skill doesn't go up any more I have still gained a lot in such a short time.

When I finish the set of tools I quickly notice it is not quite as good as the one Mitch made. It is however much better than the last set I made, it makes me regret that I already enchanted Bones' armor and can't change it. I could make him a new set but that would use up most of the drake bone I have left.

"Mitch, I have a summon that I made equipment for, would you mind taking a look?"

Mitch says "Sure, I have no problem doing that."

"Just so you know he is an undead."

Mitch says "As long as it is under your control it is fine."

'Summon Bones!'

Bones appears and looks around, he seems disappointed that we aren't surrounded by enemies. His disappointment disappears when he realizes he is instead surrounded by bone and things made of bone. Mitch seems stunned as he looks at Bones.

"Bones, no eating anything without permission."

Mitch says "Is that referring to me?"

"No, he likes to eat bone, it can make him stronger."

Mitch says "Well, I have quite a large pile of scraps that he can have if he wants. I was just going to throw it out when I got around to it."

"Okay, Bones put your armor and weapons on the table and then you can eat the scrap pile."

Bones takes his armor off and puts everything on the table and then waits for Mitch to indicate what he can eat. Once Mitch opens a door and shows him the pile Bones eagerly digs in. Mitch comes back and examines the armor, shield, and sword that I crafted for Bones.

Mitch says "It is obvious you put a lot of work into these. They could be improved but there is already an enchantment in place."

"I know, my question is, would it be worth making a new set?"

Mitch says "Not currently, unless you find better bone to make it out of. Once your skill is at master level then it would be worth remaking them if you can afford to get them enchanted again."

'Hmm, I probably shouldn't tell him that I enchanted them.'

"In that case I won't worry about it until I either hit master level or find better bone. Although, other than dragon, is there a better bone than drake?"

Mitch says "According to some ancient myths I found in the library, yes. While a dragon is definitely the greatest creature in this world there are other ancient beings below it. From what I read there are even some demons that come close to a dragon in power."

"There are that many powerful creatures? With my luck I will probably end up meeting them."

Mitch says "The myths are all old so I can't be sure if they really exist, but a drake was also considered a myth until now. The library here in Illium is much better than the one in the kingdom, but even so a lot of the books are in an unknown language."

"Oh, that sounds interesting, I will have to visit the library before I leave."

Mitch says "It requires permission to enter, but it is worth the effort."

"I have a meeting with the master of the city the day after tomorrow I will ask him to grant me permission."

Mitch says "Ambrose can certainly grant you permission. He is normally a hard man to get a meeting with, how did you manage it?"

"It has to do with the war and the future."

Mitch says "Ah, politics. You can have it, I want nothing to do with politics."

"I don't particularly want anything to do with it either but I don't have a choice unfortunately."

Mitch says "I am glad that as a simple craftsman I do have a choice."

"I wouldn't say you are a simple anything, but staying out of politics is a good thing."

Mitch says "Agreed, now let's get back to work."

Mitch goes back to his work, Bones finishes his meal then reclaims his gear and I desummon him. Mitch and I spend the rest of the day working on scrimshaw, I don't gain any more levels, but I learn a lot. That night after another great meal, while I am sleeping I have a dream of Seronia, she wants me to visit her church.


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