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In the Pit

I come out of my meditation feeling great. As I stand up and stretch I realize all the aches and pains are completely gone. So having full HP actually affects how I feel?

Then I go through my workout routine and do some combat exercises with both the daggers and the mace. I don't get any level ups but I still feel good about my condition and feel I am ready for a fight. Before that though I decide to have my breakfast so I start a fire and cook up some wolf steak and mushrooms again.

After eating and cleaning the dishes I grab my dagger and some bones and carve a set of lockpicks or at least what I think lockpicks should be. I never actually tried to pick a lock in my past life so this is definitely going to be trial and error.

Before heading out I check the wolf hide and find it ready to use, but after looking at it and the holes I put in it fighting the wolf I don't see much I can make out of it. Finally I decide to make a vest and if I have enough left maybe a belt pouch. So I sit down and start cutting and sewing.


*Item Created*

Dire Wolf Jerkin

Defense +2

Durability 20/20


Congratulations! Skill Leatherworking has progressed to level 2!


Level 2

Agi +2

You can craft crude items from leather.

A jerkin instead of a vest? Well whatever the +2 to defense is more than I expected. So I pull on my new jerkin and find it to be a good fit and fairly comfortable. I am about to leave when I have an idea, I take a half burnt piece of wood from the fire and using the burnt end, I start drawing a map of what I have explored so far on the wall.


Congratulations! You have acquired the craft skill Cartography!


Level 1

Int +1

You can draw crude maps.

Looking at the crude map I realize once I finish the passageway from yesterday I only have two left to explore. So, feeling motivated and refreshed I set out to finish the passageway. I head straight for the main passageway, I intend to deal with the goblins first before trying to pick the locked door. I still move cautiously but don't activate stealth until I am right outside the goblin room.

MP: 85/100

I study the goblins before making a move, four of them just have daggers but the fifth has a spear and wooden round shield on the floor next to him so that is the one I want to kill first. Unfortunately, it is on the far side of the room from the doorway so I have to slowly move around the room using the shadows cast by the fire.

It takes me a while but finally I am behind the spear goblin and ready to make my move. I start with a sneak attack on the goblin with the spear, driving my dagger deep into it's back.

MP: 80/100


Congratulations! Skill Sneak Attack has progressed to level 3!

Sneak Attack

Level 3

MP Cost 5

Attacking from Stealth deals 15% more damage.

Leaving the dagger in the goblin I grab the mace off my belt as I throw the dagger in my left hand at the goblin on my left.

MP: 75/100


Congratulations! Skill Dagger Throw has progressed to level 3!

Dagger Throw

Level 3

MP Cost 5

You can throw a dagger with speed and accuracy. Hit +3 Damage +6

Objective: Kill Goblins 4/20

Two down three to go! Now with the element of surprise gone and just the mace left I face off against the three remaining goblins. As they scramble to their feet and draw their daggers I move to my right and swing the mace at a goblins head.


Objective: Kill Goblins 5/20

Now the two remaining goblins are rushing at me, I swing the mace down at the closer goblin's arm and dance aside from the thrust of the second.



Congratulations! You have acquired the combat skill Dodge!


Level 1

Defense +1

Your nimbleness allows you to evade attacks.

As the goblin that missed stumbles I kick it hard in the stomach and send it flying into the wall. Then I bring the mace back around and swing at the head of the goblin that is clutching it's broken arm and screaming.


Objective: Kill Goblins 6/20

A couple of steps over to the goblin that is stunned from hitting the wall and a swing of the mace and it is all over.


Objective: Kill Goblins 7/20


Congratulations! Skill Blunt Basics has progressed to level 2!

Blunt Basics

Level 2

Str +2

You do 10% extra damage with blunt weapons.

'Whew! That was easier than expected, I didn't even take damage!'

This proves it, even with no class or level I can become strong. And I will become strong and find a way out of this pit.

I glare at the ceiling and shout "And one day I will come back and make you pay for throwing me out like garbage!"

Throne Room of the Castle Dammer's P.O.V.

The king sits on his throne brooding about the next stages of his plan when he feels a cold chill climb up his spine. He looks around and even though he is surrounded by his royal guard he feels a sense of danger. With a shiver his gaze focuses on the well leading to the pit.

King Raden says "Guard, summon the historian!"

Royal Guard says "At once Your Majesty!"

The guard rushes out and a few minutes later returns leading me. I come limping in with my cane moving as fast as I am able to.

"You called for me, Your Majesty?"

King Raden says "I want to know everything the archives say about the pit."

"Ah yes, I see. I admit after recent events I was curious myself and already looked through the archives, Your Majesty. The pit was actually already here before the castle was built."

King Raden says "How can that be? The castle is the oldest building in the kingdom isn't it?"

"That is correct, Your Majesty, the archives contain a report from the construction of the castle. When they were digging the foundation for this castle they discovered the entrance to what we now call the pit"

King Raden says "So you are saying the pit already existed and was buried here before the kingdom's founding five hundred years ago?!?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Are you familiar with the legends of the ancient ruins? Specifically how they were all created by an empire that ruled the continent and fell a little over a thousand years ago?"

King Raden says "Of course I have heard the legends, an all powerful empire of magic destroyed by their own greed."

"Correct, Your Majesty, the reports refer to it as the Empire of Allothal and state that the pit was a basement to a structure in the empire. When it was found they did explore it and the archive even contains a map of it."

King Raden says "A map? Good, so is there another way out of the pit?"

"According to the report there is a way down into something they called a sewer? I am not familiar with the term and have been unable to find the meaning. However the report also states that everyone sent down to explore the sewer, including several powerful warriors, never returned."

King Raden says "Never returned? Good! So the beastman may survive the pit but his only hope of getting out is certain death? Ha ha ha that's perfect!"

I miss the old queen, she would have paid attention to the fact that greed destroyed the old empire. By ignoring history you are dooming yourself to repeat it.

King Raden says "That will be all Dammer."

I bow and depart leaving the king to return to his brooding on conquering the continent.


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