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Castle Throne Room

The king sits on his throne with his council gathered around him. The nobles waiting to petition the king wait at the far end of the throne room. In a crowd of glittering jewels and expensive silks they listen intently to the king speaking with his council.

King Raden says "Tarrik what do you have to report?"

Knight Commander Tarrik says "Your Majesty, the recruiting is complete and all new recruits have been moved to the training grounds. We even managed to recruit above the required number because I expect some casualties from the training. We are on schedule and by this time next year you should have a fully trained army of 10,000 that the other nations know nothing about."

King Raden says "Good, very good! Quill?"

Spymaster Quill says "Your Majesty as you ordered everyone who witnessed the recruiting has been silenced and it has been made to look like bandit attacks. Also my men are patrolling the areas around the training grounds to ensure no one finds out about it. Also I have dispatched men to the borders and the port to ensure no spies can enter or leave the country."

King Raden says "Excellent! Good work, both of you."

Tarrik and Quill bow to the king upon receiving praise. Just then there are several screams from the back of the throne room and everyone looks in that direction. What they see is all the courtiers waiting to speak with His Majesty are cowering against the walls leaving the middle of the floor open.

Down this path walks Head Court Mage Zamart and behind him is a massive wolf! It is a huge beast standing five feet at the shoulder, it's fur is a dark grey and it moves like it has nothing to fear from those around it. The Royal Guards immediately rush forward to form a line in front of the king with weapons ready, although they all look nervous about fighting such a beast!

Zamart's P.O.V.

King Raden says "Zamart! What is the meaning of this?!"

I stop a few feet from the Royal Guards and bow to the king as the wolf lays down behind me.

"Your Majesty this is a level ten Dire Wolf which I intend to send down into the pit to hunt the beastman as we discussed previously."

King Raden says "I thought you were going to send a summoned monster to hunt him?"

"After checking with my mages that have summoning magic I deemed that none of their summons are strong enough so I went to the northern defense line and captured this beast to do the job."

Better not to mention that is at the limit of what I can control, they all look nervous enough as it is. Although the look of terror on Tarrik's face is priceless!

Knight Commander Tarrik says "Don't you think that's a bit of overkill Zamart? After all, this wolf is as strong as a squad of knights."

"There is no such thing as overkill when it comes to making sure His Majesty's plans are not disrupted. Besides Tarrik, unlike you, I know better than to underestimate an opponent!"

King Raden says "Enough you two! Very well, Zamart, send the beast to hunt in the pit."

I bow again and with a gesture send the dire wolf towards the well. Everyone watches as the wolf jumps into the well and disappears. The Royal Guard all sigh with relief and resume their posts. And the court resumes.

In The Pit Ash's P.O.V.

Girl's voice: "Wake up! If you want to live, wake up now!"

I snap out of my meditation, did I just hear a voice? Or was that a dream? It sounded familiar!



Defeat the Dire Wolf that is Hunting You!!

Objective: Kill the Dire Wolf 0/1

Reward: Unlock Combat Skills, Gain New Skill

My head snaps around at the ding and I look at the quest, I jump to my feet and look through the illusionary wall. As soon as I see the five foot wolf I know I am in trouble, as it creeps closer I ready myself, gripping my two daggers tightly.


MP: 30/50

I am hoping I can kill the wolf quickly with a double sneak attack, so I crouch and wait for it to come through the illusionary wall. As soon as the wolf's head clears the wall I make my move.

'Sneak Attack!'

MP: 25/50

With that, I lunge with both daggers and stab for the wolf's neck, but the wolf is quicker than I expected and manages to turn so I only stab it's shoulder. And before I can retreat the wolf whips back around and bites my side.

You have suffered a BITE attack. Damage 53 HP!

HP: 94/147

'Ow, crap fifty-three hitpoints?!? Two more hits and I'm dead!'

So I crouch and wait and as the wolf lunges at me again I step to the side then shoulder tackle the wolf into the wall and stab it in the stomach with both daggers. I then twist the daggers before I pull them out and jump away. Again the wolf is too quick and manages to bite my thigh as I am jumping away.

You have suffered a BITE attack. Damage 47 HP!

HP: 47/147


Congratulations! Skill Pain Resist has progressed to level 3!

Pain Resist

Level 3

You feel 40% less pain.

Physical damage reduced by 2%.

I land badly and stumble backwards until my back hits the wall. With the injury to my leg my mobility is compromised but the wolf also looks fairly hurt.

'One more bite and I'm done, I need to end this with my next attack or it's game over!'

I charge at the wolf and feint high then drop low to try and go for the wolf's throat. The wolf falls for the feint but recovers quickly and bites into my shoulder as I stab both daggers into the wolf's throat. The wolf throws me across the room then staggers.

You have suffered a BITE attack. Damage 48 HP!


Congratulations! Skill Tenacity has progressed to level 3!


Level 3

Your strong willpower allows you to attempt to resist death.

End +6 HP +20%

HP: 1/157

With the last of my strength I throw both daggers at the wolf.

'Dagger Throw! Dagger Throw!'

Then I slide into darkness.

MP: 15/50


Congratulations! You have completed the Emergency Quest!

Objective: Kill the Dire Wolf 1/1

Reward: Unlock Combat Skills, Gain New Skill


Congratulations! You can now learn Combat Skills!

Congratulations! Skill Dagger Throw has progressed to level 2!

Dagger Throw

Level 2

MP Cost 5

You can throw a dagger with speed and accuracy. Hit +2 Damage +4

Congratulations! You have acquired the combat skill Beast Slayer!

Beast Slayer

Level 1

All Stats +1

You do 5% additional damage against beasts.

Congratulations! You have acquired the combat skill Dagger Basics!

Dagger Basics

Level 1

Agi +1

You do 5% extra damage with daggers.

Congratulations! You have acquired the combat skill Dual Wield!

Dual Wield

Level 1

Agi +1

You can fight with a weapon in each hand.

Castle Throne Room Zamart's P.O.V.

I am standing off to the side listening to the King discuss the tax rate with one of his nobles. When suddenly I feel a stabbing pain and grab my chest, let out a groan, and collapse to my knees. Everyone, including the king, turns to stare at me.

King Raden says "Zamart what's wrong?"

Chancellor Marvok says "Quick fetch the healer!"

I pant as I try to focus through the pain and push it aside like I was trained.

"No. I don't need the healer, it is spell backlash."

Chancellor Marvok says "Backlash from what?"

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, I have failed. The Dire Wolf has been slain."

It seems even I underestimated the beastman. Everyone around the king, and the king himself, are all stunned by my news.

King Raden says "What?!?"

Knight Commander Tarrik says "Well, maybe it was killed by the goblins or another monster?"

Chancellor Marvok says "You fool! There are not enough goblins down there to kill a Dire Wolf! And there are no other monsters down there!"

Knight Commander Tarrik says "So you are saying a measly level zero beastman defeated it? Ridiculous!"

King Raden shouts "Enough!"

Both bow to the king and say "We apologize, Your Majesty!"

King Raden says "Zamart, can you be sure it was killed? And by the beastman?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I saw through its eyes at it's last moment and I saw the beastman throwing the dagger that ended it's life."

I also saw the beastman close to death but I think you should sweat a little. I would say he is sure to die but I've already underestimated him once I won't make the same mistake again.

King Raden says "This is troubling to say the least. For now we will have to assume that he is indeed the Grand Summon and that he is still alive and will eventually find a way out of the pit. Tarrik, I want guards on the well at all times and alert all forces throughout the kingdom that if spotted he is to be killed on sight."

Knight Commander Tarrik says "It shall be done, Your Majesty!"


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