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Bella doesn't say anything more and just focuses on the tattoo again. She has to keep referring back to the drawing of the tattoo to make sure she is getting it right. The tattoo has a lot of complex symbols in it and she has to be careful not to mess any of them up.

I am also watching her work, hopefully if she makes any mistakes I will be able to catch them. Although, now that I think about it, I should probably make something that can remove the ink. Otherwise, there isn't a way to erase any mistakes that she might make.

Luckily, Bella turns out to be really good at what she does and she doesn't make a single mistake. The tattoo is finished about halfway through the third session and it is perfect. I draw some normal mana to myself and feed it into the tattoo to test the effect.

The tattoo purifies the mana exactly like it is supposed to and proves that my theory was good. As soon as that test is finished, I start enchanting the tattoo so it will gather mana on its own. Of course, it's not as simple as just that, I also have to connect it to my mana pool.

Just shoving the mana into my body won't work and would cause more problems. I also need to make sure that the enchantment will stop when my mana pool is full. Otherwise, I might just blow up if my mana pool gets too overloaded.

The last thing I need to do is add a small enchantment that will preserve the tattoo when I shapeshift. As soon as that is done, I shapeshift into my beastman form to test it. Not only does the tattoo stay and keep working, it even shows up through my fur.

Bella says "Well, did I get it right?!"

"Yes, it's perfect!"

Lin says "The enchantments work?"

"Exactly as planned!"

Lin says "Good. I guess that it is my turn now."

"Did you decide what you are going to go with?"

Lin says "Yes. I am going to do the full soldier set. Then, if I like being tattooed then I will do more. Bella, are you okay to do another tattoo or do you need to rest first?"

Bella says "No, I'm good. This gun makes it easy! I just need the design and where you want the tattoo."

Lin takes out the design, which is one of the ones we made earlier with a flame motif. After asking for Bella's advice, Lin decides to have her put the tattoo on her shoulder. As soon as she makes her decision, Bella gets started on her tattoo.

Lin flinches at first when Bella starts working, but after that she holds still. After a minute I notice a small smile on her face, it looks like she likes it. That means that in the near future I can expect for her to be covered in tattoos.

I have no problem with that, in fact I am looking forward to it, tattoos are sexy. It is quite fun watching her getting tattooed, but it makes me start thinking about the tattoos. No matter what she gets tattooed after this, it will be using the special ink.

It would be a shame for all that ink to be left sitting there and not do anything with it. It makes me start thinking about other magical tattoos that we could do. One of the first that comes to mind is animal tattoos that are enchanted to come to life.

Or to be more specific, tattoos that summon an animal or monster to fight for you. Although, I don't want to summon actual living beings, just make magical copies. However, I have never taken a look at any summoning magic so I don't know if it will work.

Out of curiosity, I ask Lin about it and she tells me that summoning magic is a thing. The problem is, that it is very complicated magic so very few people use it. That isn't really a problem to me, so I have Jarvis fetch me the books we have on it.

I start reading the books about summoning magic while Lin is getting her tattoo. Lin was right, the spells are very, very complicated, but that is because of the way they work. They aren't creating a magical construct, they are summoning spirit beings from another plane.

Despite it not being what I am looking for, I continue reading out of curiosity. The summoning spell only lasts for less than a minute, but the spirit summoned sounds strong. It makes me think of the summons in Final Fantasy and makes me curious about this spirit plane.

I think if I take the first part of the spell and mix it with the gate spell, I might be able to go to the spirit plane. If I can physically go there just once, I would be able to make a gate there. If it is not too dangerous, I think it would be more suited to the kids than the shadow plane.

After all, they are all monsters and the spirit plane is a plane for monsters. However, it also might be way too dangerous for the kids, I would need to check it out first. The problem with that is that Lin has forbidden me from going on any adventures.

Going to a new plane would definitely be an adventure, so it will have to wait. I will have to try to find some time to check it out after I return to the peninsula. For now, I go back to studying the summoning spell and try to learn more.

Luckily, the library has a dozen books about summoning magic for me to read. As I am reading, Bella finishes the tattoo on Lin, so I get up to do the enchantments. Once those are done and Lin has tested it, we head up to have dinner with the kids.

The kids are already back from the shadow plane and waiting for us when we get there. The kids want pizza again and I am not about to argue, so I take out a dozen pizzas. As we are eating, the kids tell us about the shadow plane and then Lin shows them her new tattoo.

Mulan says "Did it hurt?"

Lin says "It stings a little, but you get used to it fairly quickly."

Mulan says "And you want all of us to get these tattoos?"

"Yes. They will make you stronger and safer. Not to mention it allows you to recover your mana faster. All of you should have learned how to use pure mana from Lin by now, right?"

Mulan says "Yes, we have. Do we have to get the same tattoos?"

"Nope. You can pick whichever design you want. Or you can ask Bella to help you come up with a new design. The only thing that has to be the same is the formations."

As soon as I finish speaking, the kids immediately start bugging Bella about the design they want. To my surprise, what they want is a tattoo that looks like me in my normal form. It is flattering, but it feels fairly weird at the same time and I am not sure how to react.



You're a role model Ash, what do you expect?