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She didn't do much fighting in her original life, so she ends up having a lot of questions. In the end, I suggest that she start doing some individual training while the kids are taking their lessons. Her golem body has combat programming, but she needs to get used to using it.

Not to mention that if she practices, her combat programming will improve itself. Thinking of that, after dinner I take her down to my workshop to take a look at her programming. Since she is going to be keeping this body, I am curious if I can improve her condition.

In theory, I should be able to add programming that fits with her ghostly nature. I would like to figure out a way to allow her to get stronger, but I don't think my skills are up to it yet. For now, I will settle for better understanding how Chloell, as a ghost, interacts with the golem.

"Chloell, have you had any problems since you possessed the golem? Any weird feelings or anything like that?"

Chloell says "No, not really. Although, after moving around for a while I do feel tired. It isn't a normal tired feeling, it is deeper than that. It normally goes away as long as I rest for an hour or two."

"Alright. It might be because the golem wasn't designed to house a ghost. I am going to make some modifications to see if I can improve how the golem interacts with you. This might feel a little odd."

Chloell says "Okay."

I have Chloell sit down in my workshop and then take a look at her programming. I specifically look for areas of the programming that have changed to adapt to Chloell. This golem wasn't programmed to be as adaptive as Jarvis, so the changes are small.

However, now that Chloell is possessing the golem, I can upgrade the programming. I start with the area that have already changed, improving them as best as I can. Once that is done, I do a general upgrade to the entire program.

It still isn't as good as Jarvis, but it should now be able to grow and adapt. While I am at it, I make a few improvements to the body of the golem. I can't do much at the moment, at least not without taking the body apart and rebuilding it.

"How do you feel?"

Chloell says "That felt a little strange, but I feel more comfortable now."

"Okay. I've made a few changes, so if anything feels weird tell me. The goal of these changes is to allow the body to adapt to you better. I will need to check again in a couple of days."

Chloell says "Sure and thank you for taking the effort."

"No need to thank me, you are helping my kids. This is the least I can do."

After chatting for a few more minutes, Chloell leaves and I head upstairs. I join Lin in the library and read some manga until she is ready to head to bed. We have our fun and once Lin falls asleep I work on my core until it is time to wake her up.

Core Upgrade Progress: 27%

In the morning, after we eat breakfast, Lin starts the kids' lesson and I leave the castle. This time, I don't just wander randomly, I go looking for the human kids. Of course, I chat with those elves who want to talk to me as I am looking for them.

When I find the kids, I am happy to see that they are still doing good and being taken care of. I don't see any signs of anyone shunning them, Stillwater kept his word. I spend a while talking to them and make sure that they aren't just putting on an act.

After that, I make my way back to the castle, chatting with a few people along the way. From everything I can see, the elves are already getting used to seeing me in beastman form. As long as I keep this up, by the time we get to the peninsula there shouldn't be any problems.

That is one problem taken care of, now I only have to worry about a dozen or so more. However, there is nothing I can really do about the rest of them before getting to the peninsula. Most of them are going to involve politics and that is the main thing that I am dreading.

Unfortunately, I can't think of any way to avoid them without breaking my promise to the goddesses. Although, building myself an army of golems and fighting the demons on my own is sounding better and better. That way I could ignore most of the politics and just worry about fighting the demons.

First, I will try to deal with the politics, I will keep the golem army as my backup plan. Maybe I should build a beast golem and feed politicians who annoy me to it. No, I would use something like that way too much and probably end up starting even more wars.

A sudden thought makes me wonder if I could build a golem version of a transformer. That could be a lot of fun, especially if it was something that could turn into a tank. Wouldn't that be a surprise for the demons, just thinking about it makes me laugh.

I am still laughing a minute later when I walk into the main room of the castle. Lin and the kids are just sitting down to lunch having just finished the magic lesson. It hasn't been that long since breakfast for me, but I still join them for lunch.

It's not like I ever eat until I am full anymore, I just eat because I enjoy the taste. I could probably go without eating for days or more, but that wouldn't be any fun. Luckily, the pouch has enough variety that I don't ever get bored of the flavors.

After lunch, the kids head to the training room and Lin heads to the library to read. I am tempted to just read manga, but I decide to work on my core until dinner. When the kids leave the training room, Jarvis informs Lin and I so we can join them for dinner.

Core Upgrade Progress: 39%

The kids talk to us about their training during dinner and after dinner they go to watch anime. Lin and I head to the library to curl up together and read until she is ready for bed. When she is ready, we have our fun and then she goes to sleep, but I don't join her.

The manga I am reading is at a really intense part and I don't want to wait. So, I take the manga with me to read while I take a nice hot lava bath. Luckily, I get past the intense part before Jarvis informs me that it is currently evening outside.

I have him disable the time dilation, then I open up a soulscape, and invite everyone. While the kids all play together, Lin, Myria, Brightfire, and I discuss my plans. Right now they are just rough ideas, I don't know enough to plan thoroughly.



Devin, Is the time dilation changing your story writing cadence? It felt like for a long time the chapter updates were aligned with Ash’s day and each finished with soulscape. Now a lot more happens in each “day/chapter” :) Also I had a funny thought … since the castle is physically model size and floating in the captains room… if you peered into it would you see a tiny Ash and family zipping around at 8x speed? … and even funnier would Ash and family see your giant face looking 👀 at them, unmoving for seemingly hours on end??

Devin Dineen

Yes, it has. Since now that four or five days worth of time happens between each soulscape. The answer to your other questions is also yes.