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Hey y'all, spooky season is almost on us, I've got some themed ideas planned for next month. 

I've changed over payment plans so they go by subscription date from now on and not Monthly. 

Starting in October, I am going to update the highest level tier to include a discount on commissions. I am also considering a higher level tier for larger discounts. I am open to other benefits, so let me know of anything you'd be interested in seeing. Comments or DM me if you have any ideas you'd like to share. 

I may run a poll about this further, but would do you prefer me posting art a few times a week as I finish it or would you prefer that I post a bunch of art all at once a few times a month? Let me know. 

Thank you for all the wonderful support you've given to me this year, it's meant a lot!

Finally, here are a couple sketches. For those in the highest tier you can do a monthly idea for me to sketch out. This month Tsuragao suggested Some Tanuki cocktheft, big grizzly bear left with a null bulge.



Former Orca Athlete realizing that the years have crept up on his waistline~