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I’m not satisfied with Catra’s face in the first panel. She was prettier in the sketch:

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This will be the last SFW page for a while... < Ç ^ Ç >

There are 12 NSFW pages (my fantasy was longer, but I decided not to overdo it this time) and the last one is SFW, in the end. 

12 pages are a lot. I'm considering to make something SFW in the between too, but it depends on how much time I have left among the things I have to do to make ends meet.

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AH!! I was forgetting again!! I said I would post on Friday, but I found out I'm often busy in the weekend too, so Monday is better! ^ =//U//= ^'




Very kinky. The Catra expression looks good imo. I see what you mean but we are our own worse critic.


i have a feeling that feather duster cover might come off later.. >u> hrmmmmm