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For Catra to become a force captain (be it her or Adora) represented the hope of getting out of her miserable state. Unlike Adora, she observes well what she has around and there must have been a moment, probably a few years earlier than where the show begins, when she realized that Adora was the favorite, but she continued to give her all to stay by Adora's side.

Adora instead aspired to high positions for two reasons: the first was to defend her best friend, the second was to "deserve" Shadow Weaver's care. We will back on this point in chapter 3 (which I haven’t drawn yet... on the other hand I drew most of the later ones! ^ = // U // = ^')

This episode is linked to chapter 12... (I didn't post it yet, but here is the preview of the first page)

... and chapter 15 that will be your favorite. Why? SPOILER!!!! but here is a preview of the first page:

See you soon with the sketch of the next chapter... ^ OUO ^



Kevin Mayberry

This is really great and falls in line with the story perfectly. I especially like Octavia's cameo at the end of the fight....Talking about" it could have been worse" - too funny! Great work as always! Thank you so much!


thank you for your sweet comment! ♡