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October 28th is Catra’s birthday and although I would have preferred to continue the Halloween comic I started last year, it's not wise to add another long comic to work on while I’m already doing three, so I was wondering what to do. 🤔

On Tuesday, I babysat my neighbors’ daughter, and we watched a movie called "Asterix and Cleopatra". In that movie there is this SCENE and I finally got a sexy idea!

+ + + WHAT IDEA? + + +

PLOTFORM: Catra hates having bath... but she loves milk! ♡ Adora has filled a tub with her girlfriend's favorite drink to have a romantic bath for her birthday. 

THE EVIL PLAN it's to make some illustrations like the one upside...

... will I? Won't I? We will discover it only by living. In the worst scenery we have one! XD


No imaginary cow has been robbed of her calf to make this illustration! XP In my imagination milk simply exist without hurting animals. ^ O U O ^

Use soy/rice/almond drink if you want to have a milk bath in real world, please! XD




Avee! That's... delicious... 🤭 I love this idea! ❤️❤️‍🔥


Cute idea! Lots of sexy licking!