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This was the first comic I had done with your company, actually. ^^'

It's one of my favorites. 

In drawing it I thought of those situations that occur when different cultures meet. Maybe you too where gifted of something questionable but full of meaning for the person who gave it you... or you may have lunch lunch with your friend and find out they like Hawaiian pizza...just for example! XD

You may occasionally find dead locusts on your pillow or at the foot of your bed. 

Catra is a fantastic creature with both physical and instinctive human and feline characteristics. One of the things that surprised me on the show is just her feline way of reacting and dealing with things.

I like to imagine that this is one of the causes of the distance between her and the other cadets.

All except Adora. Who made an effort to overcome her aversion to the death of the mouse and understand the love behind.



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