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ENG: Hello everyone! As you know, starting this Saturday and according to your Patreon level you can start watching episode 4. So we bring you an update on what's coming next 👀

As you know from episode 5 the format will change and it will become comic and videocomic. The comics will come out first (possibly a week or two before) and will be published on webtoon, which in case you don't know is an app for reading comics from independent authors.

For the videocomics we have been testing different formats with some scenes from episode 5 and I think we have already decided on one, soon we will show it to you in the preview of that episode.

Despite not being animated, we will try to get the most out of the format and thus add more scenes with action or other things that we have not been able to do due to time limitations when animating. This new format will allow us to have episodes more quickly, so for now we are going to take some time to finish polishing the scripts until the final episode and send everything to recording so that does not stop us.


ESP: ¡Hola a todos! Como saben, a partir de este Sábado y acorde a su nivel de Patreon podrán empezar a ver el episodio 4. Por lo que les traemos una actualización de lo que se viene después 👀

Como saben a partir del episodio 5 el formato cambiará y pasará a comic y videocomic. Los comics saldrán primero (posiblemente una o dos semanas antes) y serán publicados en webtoon, que por si no lo conocen es una app para leer comics independientes.

Para los videocomics hemos estado probando diferentes formatos con algunas escenas del episodio 5 y creo que ya nos decidimos por uno, próximamente les mostraremos en el adelanto de ese episodio.

Pese a no estar animado, trataremos de sacarle el mayor provecho posible al formato y así agregar más escenas con acción u otras cosas que no hemos podido hacer por las limitaciones de tiempo al animar. Este nuevo formato nos permitirá tener episodios más rápidamente, por lo que por ahora vamos a tomar un tiempo para terminar de pulir los guiones hasta el episodio final y enviar todo a grabación para que eso no nos detenga 💥




When will you publish you comic on WEBTOON

Odd Nation Cartoons

We are working on the first episodes because it would be weird to start on episode 5 XD Probably we will start posting those next week