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ENGLISH: Hello everyone! We have some negative news. Less than an hour ago we recieved an email, Fresh TV has decided to contact us through its law firm Duncan Morin LLP with its representative Lorri Charnestki, (we have already confirmed that this company exists and that the email is real).

As you can see, it is a clear threat not only to remove content from social networks but to take legal action against Odd Nation Cartoons. We are struck by some things in the letter you sent us (which we attach here in full).

Fresh TV's reasons are not acceptable for attempting to take action against Disventure Camp; the intro theme was an original composition, we are paying for other soundtracks from Artlist, then other reasons they mention are not subject to any type of copyright (character tropes, design, animation style, etc... not even Disney with its power he has managed to cancel projects that use their style)

Right now, there are mixed opinions on Odd Nation Cartoons. We know that THEY ARE NOT RIGHT and we would like to show them that they cannot do what they want, but we cannot afford to go through those procedures and legal problems. What do you think we should do?


ESPAÑOL: ¡Hola a todos! Tenemos noticias algo negativas. Hace menos de una hora Fresh TV ha decidido contactarnos por medio de su firma de abogados Duncan Morin LLP con su representante Lorri Charnestki, (ya hemos confirmado que esta empresa existe y que el correo es real).

Como pueden ver, es un clara amenaza no solo para eliminar el contenido de las redes sociales sino para tomar acciones legales contra Odd Nation Cartoons. Nos llama la atención algunas cosas de la carta que nos enviaron (la cual les adjuntamos aquí completa). 

Las razones de Fresh TV no son aceptables para intentar tomar acciones contra Campamento Desventura; el tema de intro fue una composición original, otros soundtracks los estamos pagando de Artlist, luego otras razones que mencionan no están sujetas a ningún tipo de copyright (estereotipos de personajes, el diseño, el tipo de animación, etc... ni siquiera Disney con su poder ha logrado cancelar proyectos que utilizan su estilo)

Ahora mismo, hay opiniones encontradas en Odd Nation Cartoons. Sabemos que NO TIENEN RAZON y nos gustaría demostrarles que no pueden hacer lo que quieran, pero no podemos permitirnos pasar por esos procedimientos y problemas legales. ¿Qué creen que deberíamos hacer?



Michael Kim

I was a part of total drama reunion and when this happened to us, we kind of buckled immediately because there were too many similarities. But Disventure Camp is in no way as big of trouble. After reading this letter, I think it's clear they haven't really watched the episodes or done too much research. If you want to fight them on this, I think you could probably win, but it could take a ton of time and money that I don't know if you have. You guys worked really hard on this show so I know you guys will make the best decision possible, but just make sure to think long and hard about it and don't make immediate decisions.


Hope y’all fight but ultimately you got to do what you got to do. Think long and hard and I’ll respect your decision no matter what it is!


You should definitely post this issue on your social media sites, get opinions, and maybe you’ll get what you need


I'd respect your choice regardless of the outcome and what Fresh is doing is unjust and should be illegal considering that your not borrowing any resemblance from the original show, I hope you fight back against this lawsuit, whatever the case I hope for the best guys.


Would you still be releasing episode 3 though?


If this goes into a horrible direction and you can’t post any more episodes, will you post up like an elimination table and episode descriptions to let us know how it would have been? Do you have other series in the planning stages besides this one?

Odd Nation Cartoons

We will, you would know everything that we have planned for it. We were working on a trailer for another kind of series but that was just a pilot trailer.


👍! In either case, I hope we’ll get to see the trailer in the future!

Just An Artist Wannabe

Honestly, I saw this coming. I'll definitely respect any decision you make. Thank you very much for everything you've done for us, and if you decide to cancel the series, I'll totally understand and stick around for your future content! Disventure Camp was and is a blast to watch, but you have to do what's the best for you. I wish you the best of luck with whatever decision you make or what you're planning to do/make next! I'll definitely stick around for the future! :)


Ok, antes que nada lamento que esto este ocurriendo, sobre si desean defenderse o no, esa es una decisión que Odd Nation debe tomar con la cabeza fría, por que indistintamente de que ganen, irse a un litigio siempre es estresante y costoso. El tema sin embargo es raro. Normalmente quien toma acción por TD es Popcorn digital, la empresa de CAKE encargada de proteger los contenidos digitales de la distribuidora en Internet, que además se encarga de dar de baja el contenido en las plataformas correspondientes a nombre de su cliente, (en este caso Fresh TV.) Esta carta sin embargo viene a nombre de un buffet Canadiense y es una especie de carta previa, en la cual solicitan se de de baja el contenido ANTES de tomar medidas contra el mismo (Popcorn hubiera dado de baja los episodios de youtube) Ademas los terminos del litigio son ambiguos, Theme es el mismo Theme que survivor, art style y design son similares pero se puede discutir si realmente son copias o no, finalmente la musica es absurdo. Sin embargo lo dicho, la decisión de pelear es de ustedes, y no se que tanto pudiera defenderse esto en una corte. Yo los seguire apoyando independientemente de lo que decidan.


I would tell them to go F**K themselves

Simplema Balsi

Me encantaria decir que simplemente continúen pero si no tienen los medios para financiar un juicio... Sería muy complicado... No quiero que campamento Desventura termine pero es desision de ustedes si seguir está lucha o no...

Kristen Shields

That may not be a good idea. I mean, no matter what you pick, releasing the eps would result in them thinking you ignored the letter and take you to court no matter what. Sorry, but until you’re sure how to handle this, it might be for the best that you postpone releasing the eps atm