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Hello everyone!

I am super pleased to announce that the long awaited Foundry Module for the Token Hoard is now enabled for download and use!


Currently the features set of the module is pretty light, when you open it up you will be presented with a UI/window that is pretty much exactly the same as the page on my website at https://www.caeora.com/tokenhoard. However there are a bunch of things happening behind the scenes that make this module super cool. 

  • The module doesn't contain content itself, instead it pulls from the database on my website. This has two major benefits: 1. The module is super lightweight, you wont ever need to clear space for it on your hard drive! 2. It updates instantly as soon as the website database gets new tokens, meaning no more waiting for a module update!
  • Everything is now at your fingertips inside Foundry VTT, you click on a token and you have it exactly where you want it!


The next version is going to build on this foundation to add more of the below features some of which I'm super excited to get working and should increase the usability and intuitive feel of the module! While I didn't want to wait any longer to continue development I know some of these will REALLY bring the module to life and make something cool into something great! There is no planned release date for these new features but when they are ready I will let you know! :D 

  • Drag and drop onto scenes!
  • Integrating stat blocks for both DnD and Pathfinder 2e. 
  • Further sorting options by CR/Level, Name, Traits, Size, Environment.
  • Resize the images in the UI/Window for viewing clarity.
  • Streamlining the Key authentication system.
  • Maps from my Partnership with Dread Maps!


Installing the Module

Installing the module itself should be pretty easy, if you are an Artisan/Dragon or Hero tier Patron you can use the Premium Content system for Foundry VTT to install the add on like you would any other module more details here: https://foundryvtt.com/article/premium-content/ a quick run down here however:

Step 1: Make sure your accounts for Patreon and Foundry accounts are linked here: https://foundryvtt.com/me/edit 

Step 2: Make sure you are running the latest version of Foundry VTT and click on the Add-On Modules tab in the setup screen, then Install Module, then in the search bar type in Caeora and you should be able to install Caeora's Token Hoard!

Step 3: Once installed make sure you enable the module in your game by going to Manage Modules under Game Settings


Using the Module

Using the module at that point requires a few more steps as the module is actually very lightweight, its not a massive content drop and instead pulls my artwork/tokens from the Database on my website. 

Step 1: To open the Token Hoard there is nice little blue button at the bottom of the Actors Tab that will open up the UI! It looks like the image below. 

Step 2: Once you left click, the main Token Hoard window will open and it will ask you for a key from caeora.com/tokenhoard, you can go there manually or click the little lock symbol on the top right next to close and it will open a browser for you. 

Step 3: Once on the Token Hoard page on my website, login using the yellow login button and connect your Patreon account. This should be very smooth and it will direct you back to the Token Hoard. At that point a little gift box button will appear next to the logout button. Click on it and it will open a box where you can generate a key!

Copy the key, head back to the Foundry software, paste it into the box and save key!

Step 4: You should now have access to the Token Hoard and all the tokens in the database! The features are pretty simplistic at this stage, you can search through tokens, change the tokens to circle/pog style instead and left click to save which one you like in the folder of your choice.


Possible Questions & Answers

1. Why use this module if the majority of the tokens are free?

That's a great question, as most of if not the vast majority of my token creatures are free on my Patreon and Website, so what does this module actually do for you? Well convenience is the biggest factor here, I want to provide a module that makes the process of actually using my tokens in a game as easy and seamless as possible. Eventually the workflow/process of using one of my tokens for a game should be as simple as grabbing a token from the hoard mid game and throwing it at the party! 

Why is this for Artisan Tier Patrons and above?

You could make the argument that the tokens are free so why is this module not free? Well the development of this module certainly wasn't free nor is the upkeep of the database that hosts it. In addition I think its actually a really nice way for me to make money. I'm not limiting access to the tokens which you could go through post by post and download for free, merely providing a service for supportive/paying Patrons that want a more convenient way to use my work!

3. Why use a key system for authenticating on the website?

This one is for the future, keys will eventually expire after a certain amount of time and you will need a a new key generated in order to get access to new token updates. This of course means continuing to be a Patron supporter and this incentivizes people to keep their pledge and makes this whole process worth continued development and updating on my end!  

4. What about the old Foundry modules, will they be updated?

No. Those modules contain older lower res content and while I will keep them available new content will be all be using the Token Hoard module instead. Eventually new maps will be added to the token hoard and maybe even assets as well!

One of the main reasons for this decision is the size of the old module, its several GB in size and this makes it super bulky for Foundry VTT, plus many older maps were all over the place in terms of file format and sizing. Another major reason is the download once, cancel pledge issue, where someone has access to hundreds of dollars worth of content for $5 and they cancel their sub on Patreon. I dont think a huge amount of people did this really but it did happen and new Token Hoard solves that nicely. 

On a more personal note regarding my old work, while some people do enjoy using it, the quality is far lower than my modern work and I want to make a clear line on what is new content made for modern digital VTT use and older content from several years ago that isn't nearly as high quality. 

I have also been considering making the old Premium Caeora Module free which I think will happen soonish once the new Token Hoard gets up to version 2. 


Final Things

Credit: This is a pretty complicated module that aims to do even even more over time with new features and its worth saying that of course this module was not made by me, I'm just the artist that makes the tokens, the actual development was done by Honeybadger an extremely talented module developer and all round amazing bean! Many, many thanks for your hard work and experimentation and walking me through everything! Here's to the next version! :)

You can support Honeybadger directly here as well! https://ko-fi.com/badgerwerks

Now to be clear, just like the Token Hoard on my website, there are still features that id love to add and there is a planned version 2 already but If you have any thoughts or ideas regarding next steps please let me know Id love to make this as easy to use as possible! Leave comments below this post or head on over to the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/MSv7GG4aYS 

As always thank you so much everyone for your continued support, this module has been a long time coming but I'm super excited to get this first version into people hands! :D 





Not sure if it is a bug, but after installing and activating via ACCESS Key, I get a little area (bottom left) after clicking the "Token Hoard" Button that tells me "Authentication Expired". Dunno if this is important, but I wanted to share it. Restartet Foundry, still had the "issue" being displayed. Nonetheless, thank you for this module, I'm looking forward to use it :)


This is a minor bug, will fix later it doesn't actually do anything atm you should be able to use everything as normal! Also thank you! :D

Alexander Jakimcio

Nice I think I will upgrade my Membership once I switch to Foundry V11 in a couple of months, really cool!


I'm not sure if something isn't syncing properly, but using the module and using the web page I don't see all the tokens. For example I don't see any tokens from the Gnomes & Halfling NPCs nor the Hero Pack: Humans tokens.


as someone who just started using your assets on the fly from the old module I would love to see those having a high priority addition to this one once the drag and drop elements added because that the core reason I have to keep the old module currently.