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Hey everyone!

Today's post is a single-issue poll... and a slightly spicy one at that.

For a long time, ive been making tokens looking up so that you can see the face more clearly. Ive always loved this from a roleplaying perspective and it makes sense for circle portrait tokens as well. Ive been messing around with how to make them less obvious and more natural for years with some success.

However recently I created some tokens for the new Foundry VTT system Crucible and since I know Atropos loves top-down tokens I decided to give it a shot and experiment. 

Well.. I think they look really good and you can play with the whole set right now if you are a Foundry VTT Patron but I'll be releasing the set myself in a few days.

In any case, the poll today is very simple, make all humanoid tokens top-down like this going forwards or keep doing what I was doing?

Id love to hear people's thoughts as I'm still a little torn on the issue so leave comments below if you have any further input!




The new top down looks awesome! Don't get me wrong, I really love your older models but the looking up as always brought attention when I show it to players, nothing negative or anything just a "wait a minute, are they looking up at us?" Kind of thing lol

Tim Bend

I said top down, because they look more 'active' on the tabletop, but if there is a way to make them have faces, while not appear to be gazing at the ceiling in the middle of an intense combat encounter, that would probably get my vote.

William Dare

Yes, yes they are. They are staring directly into your soul asking you not to let them die xD

William Dare

Honestly, I'm not sure which to vote for. Part of me feels like it's easier to maintain consistency and stick with Looking-Up Heads but also I understand some people might prefer the forward facing look of Top Down Heads. Maybe a mix? Like in groups with variety like Goblins you might have some looking up and some forward, or maybe more to do with height average? Maybe small enemies Looking-Up Heads and taller ones Top Down Head (with the assumption "Medium" size is "average height").

Dread Maps

Beautiful work

Dread Maps

I like having portrait tokens for RP npcs and these true top down ones for encounters. I think the ULTIMATE idea would be to have both, a matching portrait and topdown, and toggle them depending on the scenario. I realize that’s overkill. Lol


There are so many top-down tokens available already, I think yours are unique looking up! So that's my preference, though the top down token you showcased is also very nice.


I think it honestly depends on the type of creature. Your dragons are a perfecy example of where looking up is better imho, the way the head is cocked to the side and you just get to see so much more face detail and a mfar more dynamic pose. I agree with others who've said that the new top down tokens look good, and i think top down is definitely better for some kinds of tokens, humanoids for example. Overall i would say that a mix would be ideal


I would love a mix. It makes the scenes more interesting


I'll be honest, I basically don't use most of your tokens because I don't like the aesthetic of the "looking up" tokens. The one you posted above is freaking awesome though, and I would use tokens of that quality and aesthetic in a heartbeat.