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Hello everyone!

Another sneak peek today, showing off the work i've been doing on the next asset pack, the Liches Laboratory!

This pack took ages as I needed to draw quite a few perspective style objects, things like potions for example do  not look great when viewed from a purely top down viewpoint. I still need to finish off a few more assets like some skulls piles and bones but they should be fairly easy to line art XD

This is another combined post that is both a sneak peek and a poll! This poll contains the more popular choices from the last poll and a couple of new ones based on suggestions!

So if you have any ideas for the next pack leave a comment down below :)



Dramatic Dragons

I may be out on my own here, but I would love adventuring store assets. Something like weapon displays, armor, tables with ditefferent tools or knick knacks.... But that's maybe just me. It's definitely buildable with the assets we have already, but just a thought!