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Hello everyone!

Since the OGL drama has calmed down and with a relatively happy conclusion I've been thinking about next steps for the Patreon. I’m pretty happy with the tiers, they make sense for the most part but there are some aspects of releasing content that I would like to change a bit.

Firstly, as I'm sure many of you have noticed Ive been making lots of high quality free tokens recently. This has been fun, rewarding work that I greatly enjoy and would like to keep doing. I don't think this is a problem as everyone's support here on Patreon means I am able to make things for free, which makes my content more accessible and easier for people to use.

However.. That does mean those of you supporting at higher tiers might not feel like you're getting your money's worth which is something i'd like to try and address.

  • Going forwards I’m going to keep making lots of free tokens, with only a few packs locked behind tiers. This means I might make a variant pack that is also free.
  • I won't be making any more free battle map asset packs. Instead these will exclusively be locked behind the Veteran tier. Any Dungeondraft packs made with those asset packs will be locked behind the Artisan tier like before.

This is a relatively small change but it has some important ramifications. Making mostly free tokens gives me the ability to draw and create tokens that I wouldn't normally be able to touch because of IP/Copyright. I’m quite excited to work on these so keep an eye out for those :)

For the battlemap assets I’m going to do a little poll today just to gauge out peoples thoughts on what they would like to see the most. This poll just gives me a sense of things. I'll still be making textures, assets and furniture under my own steam but if a certain line is super popular I'll focus a little more on that!


Finally and this is a personal message that you can skip over as it does not relate to the Patreon as such.

I am normally quite open with life events or personal things here, as I've always felt like I have some responsibility and accountability to the people that support me. I dont always get into this kind of thing straight either, jugging away in the background on work. For this particular issue I feel like it's not quite the right time to discuss things and I will simply say that I have experienced some pretty major changes in my life over the past few months. Even on top of the OGL worries, these events have not been positive at all and I've been seriously struggling with my mental health. I am therefore as always, extremely grateful that I’m able to carry on making stuff for Patreon and those of you supporting me are the very best. Thank you all so very much and here’s to a better year <3



Dan Gragert

So far, since its a single choice, i'll just comment that the tow popular ones are both awesome and very frequently useful. Excited either way. but i feel like you've got an amazing catalog of furnishings with the current set. Especially love the version 2.0 of the ritzy furnishings, came right as players were fixing up a building they own so they got to "buy fancy furniture." lol - Traps specifically that can blend into multiple environments would be super helpful to me. But the cosmic pack is just inspiration fuel. getting a good asset like that often times for me is like "oh many what would they do if they just came across this in X location..." and it starts a whole side quest; so anything really is great but both the majority choice packs as of the moment (dungeon/cosmic) are great ideas!


Hi Caeora, I know its not much, but I just want to say thanks. Ive been working on building a top-down video game for a while now, and have been on and off doubting my skills. But your art has been a massive source of inspiration for me, in helping my find my perfect style. Thanks again, and keep up the good work.


Honestly, I would be happy with either of the top two picks. Hoping you find wellness in the road ahead.

Ana (Lariaenl)

Thanks for all your hard work. I really like all of your assets.

Dramatic Dragons

I may be a new patron, but the material that you have is phenomenal and I love using it in my maps. That said, do whatever you need to restore your mental health - if that means stepping away for a bit or taking other steps, know that you have some dedicated followers here who are more than happy to support you in that decision. Wishing you the best, and looking forward to continuing to use the assets you develop in the future or have already created!