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Hello everyone!

Here is the long-awaited free CR9 tokens from the D&D Monster Manual! These new tokens use the new sizes of 200px per square and the detail is much more better! (this is what KTech said anyway)

I put a ton of work into the colouring of these, spending ages doing the little details, the Fire Giant below for example took me nearly 3 days but I think it's very much worth it in the end for such a huge and important-looking token for a game :D

Oh and the dragons that are part of this CR, the blue and silver dragons are included from our basic dragon's pack but are not on the display because they aren't exactly new tokens, also they don't use the new sizes and I want to redo dragons like that at some point in the future.





Gaëtan Perrault

These are really clean. Great shading


These are amazing! I use your tokens in my campaigns I run for kids! You might like this story which features your tokens. Theres a part 2 as well! https://www.tiktok.com/@delightfuldungeondiving/video/7054429358307560751?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id7042852784077342214

Luis Aviles

Beautiful work all of them great, I especially love the abysmal creatures truly wicked looking.


Is a "complete pack" version of this coming out? I love the artwork and all the hard work you put into these! The recolors allow for great variant monsters too!