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Hello everyone! 

KTech here with the awesome complete pack variants for the CR8 creatures from the Monster Manual for D&D 5th edition!

Since we went so intense on the detail for the CR8 free pack, on top of some burnout,  these recolours took much longer than usual but I think they're well worth the wait!

Caeora and I discussed a few ideas for leveling up creatures making more powerful looking versions for bosses and leaders as well as less complex versions for more common versions. The frost giant is the best example of what I mean since we have a kingly boss version with the crown, bigger pauldron and intricate axe. On the flipside of that, we also made a simplified version with a smaller weapon for a lower ranked giant. I kept that same idea in mind for the fomorian too, adding a cape and bigger sword.

Once again I've also snuck in a little nod to critical role in, with the drow priestess being inspired by the bright queen. I just really love the style of her three horned crown and wanted an excuse to draw it :)

Its amazing to see how many of you love the CR packs as its the project Caeora and I collaborate on most with me doing all of the base sketches and designs then Cae adding all of the colours and beautiful details. Better go get started on those CR9 tokens for you guys! :P





Yes! CR9! And all the rest! These tokens are damn awesome. I need them all :D


since discovering your patreon, your stuff has been so useful for me in my Wild Beyond Witchlight campaign (1st time DM). keep up the stellar work

Alexander Weltsch

will there be feathede versions of the dinos at soem point?

Tim Bend

Wonderful. I have had great joy with your token over the pandemic especially, playing online they have made the whole game better.

Alexander Weltsch

these tokens realy inspre the alternate version that look diffrent fell like so special that oyu could base entire sotries around them right?