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Phew after quite a bit of time working on the details, here is the next creature pack, challenge rating 8 from the Monster Manuel for D&D 5th edition!

Now I do want to say a few more things about this pack than normal, this took more time than normal to finish but honestly it’s our best work so I want to delve into the details a little bit!

I’m sure many of you know that KTech works with me to do tokens, and she does an absolutely wonderful job in that regard, I just take what she has made and elevate it to the next level. I’m pretty good at working on details and colours so I usually finish off or tweak most of the stuff that comes out from both of us. After finishing the Lovecraft pack last week though, I wanted to try and apply a few things I learnt and took my time carefully going through and changing bits, adding more shadows, details and highlights.

I’m incredibly proud of how we have worked together to make these and I think they are some of the best tokens out there for some of these monsters! Below are a few of my favourites and the thought process that went into making them!

Frost Giant
The face on this big bad Frost Giant is just awesome and I wanted to try and convey that giant look without it looking human. I posted a few WIP pictures on Twitter and in the discord and like many of the tokens in this pack it now looks badass and fits exactly what I had in mind when I think Frost Giant. This was the first token I started working on and once I finished it, I knew I had to put in that much effort into the rest.


Out of all the monsters in this pack the hydra was perhaps the one I was most nervous about, we ended up sketching this back and forth with changes about 5 times before we managed to get something that looked right. A monster with five heads is tricky to pose and we didn’t know if we wanted it to look dragonlike or more fishlike. In the end, we went for something in between and once gain I spent time making it look extra terrifying. After all, if a player character comes up against a hydra it’s going to be one hell of a fight!

Brain Melter Arcanist

KTech drew this originally with a cuter looking face snd shorter tentacles but I knew that for a boss monster this token need to look scary. So I spent some time making it look like it was in the process of summoning something or casting a spell in addition to a face that means business XD

Finally, I sometimes worry that I don’t put out enough content each month but I’m so happy with these monsters I really think it might be worth it! So, if you think these tokens are looking extra good and want me to take my time in future making everything look like this please let me know!



Papa Steel

These are incredible, and please don't ever worry about time being a problem. Especially as higher-CR enemies become enormous bosses designed to inspire awe, the amount of detail per token will also continue to grow exponentially. My favorite is the green bufo, especially the staff. It'll work good as a green slaadi.


Literally I needed like half of these for my next session. THANK YOU!


These are awesome!