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Hello everyone!

Today we finished up another pack for the new Artisan tier! The Dungeondraft pack for the recent Raging Battlefield assets!

EDIT: the downloads now include:

• A 'README' explaning how to install and use these assets in detail

• A ".dungeondraft_pack" file

• A "- Sharpened For Zoom.dungeondraft_pack" file

• A folder of the unpackaged Assets

• A folder of the unpackaged Sharpened Assets

To install these assets, simply copy the '.dungeondraft_pack' into your "Dungeondraft Packs" File and they'll be all ready to go!

For more information please check the 'README' file!



Polly E.

I'm so happy you started branching out into Dungeondraft packs! Thank you so much for all your hard work. Just like your npc/pc tokens and your maps your assets are simply amazing!