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Yes, I am thinking about running my own kickstarter!

Now, I should first, before doing anything else, ask people what they would expect and whether it's a good idea in the first place. I'm very interested in what people think so please make sure you vote in the poll below and leave a comment if you have any other thoughts. 

Bear in mind, if I do a Kickstarter it won't be for a little while :)

There are a bunch of circumstances that are somewhat unique to my situation which I will try and break down below. 

Patreon vs Kickstarter

I do of course run a patreon, which accounts for almost my entire monthly budget, paying my rent, bills, buying food, saving etc which doesn't actually leave me with a huge amount at the end of each month. In the past this has been fine but it doesn't allow me to fund larger projects. The best example of that was the Blood Grotto. 

I had a budget for that small setting of $500. I spent $600 all told, on the cover artist, interior artwork, paying the writers, editors and a few smaller expenses etc. I also did a ton of work myself like the layout, writing, mapmaking etc and burnt myself out getting it done in a single month. 

Unfortunately when looking at the total money that I have made from the Blood Grotto a year later, the amount is about $350, which is a net loss of $250. So from a certain point of view it doesn't make sense to make more. 


The Blood Grotto was accessed for free on my website by over 220 people from patreon and a few other places using free codes in addition to those that have bought it. If everyone that accessed it from patreon paid the $10 I would have made about $2000, which is a pretty good profit if you ask me. Now that is not accurate of course but as a rough guide it's very interesting to think about. Also, another thing to bear in mind, my Patrons were able to cover the loss simply by the steady pledge increase month after month. Putting aside a small amount from my monthly Patreon total to then potentially fund the next project was my general idea at the time. 

Not only that, but the setting itself was very well received and I did not receive a single, and I mean not one bad comment in regards to the content, price or anything else. This was of course, very encouraging. 

And that is the route that I can still take, I could keep making a small setting and possibly adventure, every year going forwards, and may decide it's better than a kickstarter for the foreseeable future. 

Running a Kickstarter would allow me to do something bigger however and I’m very confident that I could put it all together considering the Blood Grotto took a single month to complete from start to finish. 

Continuing Pateron

I would like to make it clear that I wouldn't replace my Patreon with any kind of Kickstarter, instead it would be an optional, additional thing on the side that would allow me to do something that requires a much larger budget. I would still be making maps, and KTech would still be making tokens for patrons on a monthly basis! :)

Kickstarter Goal

The questions would be, what would I make? Well Im 99% certain I want to make another setting but this time I want to have a proper go at it. It would be larger in scope and contain, creatures, items, random tables, city guides, locations, descriptions, secrets, new races, systems and of course, tons of lovely maps and tokens. 

I would absolutely try to do a physical book reward as well! 


I won't go into more details with this post, as I would need to work out all the details later, so for now I simply would like feedback on what people would be happy to support and if in general people think it is a good idea! 

Thank you very much for reading and I hope everyone is doing well! <3 



We must continue the Adventures of Gex &amp; Dar!


More owls that are not what they seem.


*Starts rumor about Giant Mice people being a new race.* :P

Foundry Virtual Tabletop

A highly subjective perspective from me which comes bundled with it's own ulterior motive. There are a number of creators starting to use this model - I think for me what differentiates a game setting like this and would induce me (or players like me) to use it rather than going the homebrew route is the combination of quality and time savings. I find that most (but not all) kickstarter settings offer quality - but very few offer time savings. If you were to do a setting that was fully digital with game-ready support for virtual tabletop where users could download the entire setting and in 5 minutes or less be ready for Session 1 - that would be value that (to me) would differentiate your offering from what other creators are doing. I'm certainly support you either way, but I think a final product that is a PDF plus some artwork assets is still requires a big time investment from potential gamemasters in order to use the setting - if you can take those setup costs and barriers away I think something like this could be quite successful.


This could be a post on its own with a more detailed response but this is something I have thought about a lot, in essence I agree with you completely and I'll be making sure that onboarding is at maximum levels :) Not just for a PDF or book but for online play as well!


I second Foundry Gaming's comment. I think that a versatile, ready to play setting is a great idea. Versatile as in 1 shot sessions and ideas for longer campaigns or ways to re-use the content without replaying the same campaign. Also not specific to one TTRPG rules set.

Andy Nicholson

Love the idea. This is exactly what Kickstarter is for and not just for big companys to mass produce stuff so i say go for it. Also as previously mentioned i think if you had it set up with asset packs etc all ready to be uploaded into VTT etc that would be an exceptionally big cherry on top :)


Thank you for the feedback! I'll bear that in mind, and while I wont go into details because it's too early, I do love making system agnostic content :)


Awesome, thank you for the feedback! I will definitely be heading in this direction :)


I'm excited for whatever the Kickstarter will be. Got my support for sure.

Benjamin Mowbray

I've run four successful kickstarters (sci-fi themed STL/3D terrain), they are exhausting in and of themselves (a full time job for however long you are running, with no days off), and then you have to also deliver whatever you promised afterwards as stretch goals beyond your initial offerings. You still have to worry about the patreon at the same time, and I'd imagine the content would have to vary for the cases where you are trying to appease patreons that are also kickstarter backers - and that turns off a lot of people (not myself, but I've conducted similar poles, my results will vary, but in general they wanted a kickstarter or a patreon, but not both). I would seriously worry about burnout trying to fulfil both. If you press ahead, I would suggest a very small scale to start out to see how much you can stress yourself - a manageable project with a few thousand dollar goal, a shorter run time (say a "quickstarter", two weeks or less), and don't get too carried away with stretch goals.

James P

Personally I don't buy much setting stuff on Kickstarter, but I think you should do what gives you fair compensation for your effort and Kickstarter is probably a good option so go for it if it feels right to you :)


It really depends on the content, if you could do something similiar via patreon perhaps over a longer format, like a new tier for patrons to submit to, kickstarter could work as well but you'll have so much work load on as you would have to work on that plus whatever you do for patreon at the same time