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I've mentioned this to people a few times on streams and in conversations but I have not talked about the new sales tax for certain states in the US on Patreon that will be going into effect tomorrow.


Because my patreon is mainly based upon supporting me as a creator, and supporting me like that is not currently taxable. I don't promise content per month and I make it quite clear that the benefits of supporting me at different tiers is pretty nebulous. 

Extra content comes out when it's done, randomly as thank you’s for the support and that gives me a lot of options for weighting the taxable bits of my patreon.

What that means in a nutshell is, if I've set things up correctly nothing should change for your pledge. 

Yup, nothing.

If this does end being an issue, either because I’ve missed something or I’ve failed to understand how it works I will do my best to play around with things so that no one has to pay me any extra money for taxes :) 

Just keeping people updated if anyone was curious, as hopefully this is not a major issue.

I hope people have a wonderful day and there will be another post coming out tonight with brushes for making maps yourself in Photoshop, so stay tuned! 


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