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It's a wrap! :D

Congratulations to everyone that submitted to the contest, it's now over and it's time to announce the winners! 

I’ll start out by saying everyone who sent me a map did an amazing job, I was so impressed and happy with how the assets were used! 


1st Place - X8xid - Ashton

Not only is this map massive, it has a fantastic level of detail across each of the levels, in every single room. The scale and the position of the rooms is great and it has both a basement and a roof. The other very nice thing about this map is the lighting, which I think is used very well and gives it a lovely feel and tone. Overall I am blown away with how professional the map looks! The only thing I would change is the lighting in some of the rooms, especially in the basement to change things up by adding blue and green tones and include a few more assets on the grass to get rid of the blank feel. 

You can see all the levels here:  https://www.dungeonfog.com/share/?h=c30622ff678ef1d37616d244eb9bd4bb  

2nd Place - Damiam - Erylia

The lighting in this map is awesome, with lovely, vibrant colours with some fantastic shadows and it has a great feel to it. I also love the textures used on the ground to make the map feel a little less plain. The shape is also really nice and I really see this as a blueprint for a manor or mansion. I would have used more wooden floors to break up the rooms and added a few more carpets and the like but overall I really like this map :) 

You can see the map here: https://www.adventuresinerylia.com/tabletop-maps/2020/6/13/dark-lords-manor-25x29  

3rd Place - Tengwean

The overall colours of this map are hands down my favourite, The deeper crimson reds in the bedroom and the blue tone in the central foyer makes this map gorgeous and feel very similar to what I like to do in my own maps! One of the reasons this map did not win is the shape of the building and some of the rooms feel a little empty or too long. This does not detract from the overall piece however and Iove how this map looks :) 

You can see this map here:  https://www.dungeonfog.com/platform/share-with-a-friend/?h=94de8cbc1b5f547252ec739b49333e9b  

Runners Up

I'm also going to give some feedback on the other entries because it's nice and I had a really hard time actually picking winners from all these maps in the first place. 

Runner up - Mahotou

The use of assets and the overall shape and feel for this map is fantastic! I feel like this map needs much better lighting however and few tweaks could have pushed this into a winner! 

There are other levels to this map as well which you can see here: https://t.co/d4QOuMns8a?amp=1 

Runner up - Simon Hudson

This is just a small level of a multiple level tower and I could tell a great deal of effort went into this map, it looks great and would be such a fun encounter during a game! Overall lighting and colour was perhaps the biggest failing of the map and despite it being based on a real world location it feels very constrained and limited in shape and scope. I would have shrunk the canvas a little to focus on the tower and made each floor focus a little more on what it was used for. 

There are other levels to this map as well which you can see here:  https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al3tNFiRXxZTgYTKDi0dW2_iNRbL4Nk?e=5zVq8q  

Runner up - Xotyc

Out of all the entries this was perhaps the smallest in scope but I love the assets placement in this massive open space. I would have added darker shadows in the corners and tried to break things up by adding a platform of wood to further differentiate the different spaces but its overall a great little map! 

Runner up - AP

Finally this map was very close to winning and hands down the basement is beautiful, the dingy lighting and lovely use of shadows are great! The different colours on the assets are also great and I love how they were used. Overall this map has a few blank spaces, some rooms are pretty empty and the outside looks quite dull compared to some of the other entries but this is still a really solid map that is really awesome in its own right :) 


If you are a winner, please send me a private message within the next week on your preferred platform of choice (Here on patreon, discord or twitter) and I will send you the prizes! 

If you dont send me a message, not to worry, I will try and contact you in a week or so :) 

Thanks to everyone that entered! I wish I could have given out more prizes and I'll rethink the next competition so that everybody gets something. This was a bunch of fun though and I'll be doing another competition soon after a few new assets packs have come out! :D 




gah how do I keep missing these competitions... I kinda want to enter in one :( not that mine would be near as good as these! Great jobs to those who entered they all look great


Big congrats to the winners. They are gorgeous! And wow! I got a mention! The outside bothered me the most, tbh, and only this week did I think to get another asset pack to add trees and stuff. Oh well! I look forward to the next competition. ;)


Great maps! Can't get anywhere on DungeonFog though. Is that one of those sites where you can't even look around without creating an account?


Yea you need a free account to look through the editor and see the different levels :)

Ashton Rogers

Holy crap, awesome! When I saw everyone else's maps I didn't even expect to get in the top three. So many great entries and such a great community here and on DGNFog. Thank you all so much. I will be sending you a shout on Discord later this evening when I get home.


Whoa, these are gorgeously detailed


The link for the first map doesn't work at all. It takes you to a dungeonfog page for "The Count's Mansion" which shows only 1 extremely zoomed in segment of 1 floor, and the only functional button below the description takes you back to browsing the entire list of maps on dungeonfog.


Cool. Thanks for the tips on shadows and what not. I actually had trouble with that because there are so many candles/candelabras. I will try to turn down the radius on those lights and increase the fireplace to see what it does to shadows. I also struggled with scale because I used the map as Asmodeus' study in my campaign...most items are intentionally on the large side because Asmodeus is said to be ~13 feet tall, so the furniture needed to match. I need to work on that in the next one.


can't see the maps on this dungeonfog site :/


I found that if you search "count" in the main list of maps you can find it and there is a tiny little button to clone the map, then you can view it and look around the floors, not the best but it works :)