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Hello everyone!

It's time for our next mapmaking competition using some new assets that you can find in the downloads below!  

In addition, these assets are available FOR FREE officially on DUNGEONFOG!

Make a Map!

The competition is very simple. Make a map and then send it to me! That's it!

In order for the map to be judged for this competition, you must use the assets/textures from the Dark Lord pack here on my patreon or from the Caeora folder that you can find in Dungeonfog. 

How to enter:

  1. Download the assets, textures from the link at the end of this post or use the new setting “Caeora” in the props-tool of Dungeonfog.
  2. You can create any size map that you like. (Optionally. download the Blank A1 template in the downloads below if you are using a drawing program like Photoshop) 
  3. Watch my series on how to create a map using assets here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVyE7jBWZn7rGZ0cFQgqELb612lJFNLiP
  4. Retweet this tweet  https://twitter.com/Caeora/status/1266431151390023680 and include an image of you map there in order to be judged for the contest! (If you do not have twitter you can also post the map in the comments of this post) 

That’s it! 


There will be prizes for first, second and third. Till from DGNFOG, Dimi from World Anvil and myself will be judging all the entries and I will post the winners on the 14th of June here on Patreon & Twitter. 

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:


  • The map must use the Dark Lord assets. You don’t necessarily need to use every asset, just pick whatever you like. Optionally you may use any other asset made by Caeora.
  • You can be as creative as you want with the composition, colors, and scale of said assets, plus you can add any drawing, text and markers you want. However custom drawings will not be taken into account when judging the map
  • You can use any software you want. (Should be much easier to make with DGNFOG now, head over to the website at https://www.dungeonfog.com/. You can find the assets with a free account!)
  • The time limit for submission is the 13th of June 2020 at 23:59 BST, any submission after the time limit will not be judged.
  • Submissions that are deemed offensive or inappropriate in any way will be automatically disqualified.

Many thanks to Till, Dimi, Darquill and Secondhand for help putting this contest together! :)

Now, download the assets or head to DUNGEONFOG.com and happy mapping! :D 

PS: Yes, this does mean any maps you make for the COW Masterclass, as long as they abide by the rules above, count for this competition! :)



Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Awesome assets, Caeora! I love that these are drawn at 140px grid and I'm excited to make use of them in my games. Not sure if I'll have time to enter the contest but I may try!


Just to clarify, are we allowed to use other assets in the map so long as the clear majority are Dark Lord/Caeora assets, or is it strictly limited Dark Lord/Caeora assets and no others *at all*?


I'll be pretty strict, as I think that this contest is a Caeora contest not a DGNFOG or other contest. That being said ill overlook a few small assets from other sources if they are used well :)


So,...I have my map ready (it's actually pretty big, about 7 layers). How do I post it for your perusal? I can't see how to add it here? I could share it in DF, give you access to a OneDrive folder or anything else you suggest


OK, I have posted 3 of the 8 levels on Twitter. People can also access the full set until the end of July 2020 here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al3tNFiRXxZTgYTKDi0dW2_iNRbL4Nk?e=5zVq8q


This is amazing and has been so much fun! Thank you Caeora! I set myself a challenge to use every single one of the assets from the pack and almost managed it but there are at least one or two that I didn't use in the end! :P This map is also made public on DungeonFog too. Thanks again for a fun competition! https://twitter.com/Hey_Its_AP/status/1268574294336057344?s=20

Ashton Rogers

I really liked this map set and would love to see more assets. I have made a dynamic four-level map in Dungeon Fog that can be found here: https://www.dungeonfog.com/share/?h=c30622ff678ef1d37616d244eb9bd4bb

Ashton Rogers

I have also shared on Twitter via my RPGX account. <blockquote><p>Check out this map I made for Caeora&#39;s contest below. And, if you&#39;re a fan of Dungeon Fog it&#39;s available there as well. https://t.co/rfMIdzcZP6 pic.twitter.com/aK38L7tuHA</p>&mdash; x8xid (@RPGX) June 6, 2020</blockquote>


I'm done (and I finally have a patreon account. Last thing I need to support you is a credit card ^^ soonTM) with my map. I may tweak a few bits when I have some more time before next sat but I think it's okayish. https://www.dungeonfog.com/platform/share-with-a-friend/?h=94de8cbc1b5f547252ec739b49333e9b


You can export each layer as an image, and then stitch them together in PS or GIMP to make one big overview. Or you can just send me the me link here to the map in DF :)


Hello there. I don't have a twitter account, so can't enter the normal way. I did post a map on reddit though, and tagged you in the comments, during the entrance period, if you'd like to consider my map. Thanks!

Ashton Rogers

I think they are behind on judging and all that; the post said they were supposed to announce the winners already. I saw another post saying they were working n the website.