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 Short Bit

After nearly a year thinking about this, I will be changing my Patreon, Website, Discord and almost all other instances from Blue Sword Games to Caeora. This will happen over the next few days. 

Long Bit

I am a somewhat reflective person that spends the majority of my time listening to fantasy music and drawing maps. This leads to a great deal of time thinking and one of the subjects I’ve been thinking about for some time now is my “brand name”. 

It's never been a huge problem but I think that changing things so that Caeora is the only name used across all the platforms is going to make things easier to remember for people and hopefully associate my maps with a person rather than a company. 

After all, the idea when I started Blue Sword Games was that I would hire people and make adventures but that changed and its still just me after 2 years and the maps that I make now are very personal pieces of art. 

This is happening just in time as I’ve just finished a map that I think is one of my best but it's pretty insane how many hours I worked in order to get it done in time. I’m pretty burnt out and feeling very very tired. 

After I’ve had a few days of rest I’m going to get back to making battlemaps and tokens for patrons and stream again at a regular schedule as well. 

Oh! I’m also looking forward to sharing some more Project Deios things soon as well (I think it will make a lot of people very very happy) :) 



Will Patreon allow you to change the URL of the campaign to "www.patreon.com/caeora"?


As someone who watches a lot of twitch, one of the big things streamers always talk about is brand/name integration across all platforms. People are lazy and having one name to remember is a def plus. Good luck on it.


I mean, you do you mate. But the new name is quite confusing in English, 4 vowels over 6 letters will make it harder for people to search you out or remember the name.


I disagree with David when he says people are lazy, it's a matter of brand consistency! When I started to follow Caeora's work, I got confused with his accounts with the name "Caeora" on reddit's subreddits and others... "Why this Caeora guy is posting Blue Sword Games' work?", then I had to go to his profile and discover that he's indeed from Blue Sword Games. If the brand was consistent, I'd not have this problem to begin with. Plus, it's better to reefer to a friend his work this way.


How do you pronounce the new name so I get it right on my show?


K-ora or Say-ora. Both seem to be the most common ways to say my name XD