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(Normally I make these sneak peeks for patrons only but I would be really interested to know what everyone thinks about this style of coastline!)

This is going to be the next Dragon tier exclusive map, a small region covered in ice and snow, with a giant world tree, thick forests and viking themed settlement icons. However for a while now I've wanted to up my game when it comes to drawing coastlines, rather than simply drawing a line.

I think this looks pretty good! But its takes more time and I don't think it would work for every map. A world map might not need this kind of details for example but what do people think? :)




I really like the extra detail. The larger of the two inlets looks a little strange at the left top hand side (The inland river bit), but I can't work out if it says more about my lack of knowledge on earth science that it being an artistic thing.


I agree the inlets look good. Specially with the one to the south that has the sharp rocks protecting it.