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“Bifrost (pronounced roughly “BIF-roast;” Old Norse Bifröst) is the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard, the world of the Aesir tribe of gods, with Midgard, the world of humanity. Bifrost is guarded by the ever-vigilant god Heimdall. During Ragnarok, the giants will breach Heimdall’s defenses and cross the bridge to storm Asgard and slay the gods.”

Here is the first of the Vikings & Snow maps! My take on the rainbow bridge, a little ruined and broken but is still has its colourful shine :) 

There is one other version of this map, a more muted snowy version which fits the theme really well and I actually like a lot more than the original! 

Oh! Also this month's theme will be stretching out a little more than a single month due to working on other projects, this month of Vikings & Snow will probably carry on to the end of June, which gives me about a month and half to do more maps! 




This is absolutely beautiful! I'm going to make up an encounter to play on this sucker just because of how gorgeous and interesting this map is.


woooaaaahh -- the metal version of rainbow road