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I'm a little rusty making battlemaps but this one is shaping up quite well. This was a request by a patron and I wanted to include all those lovely towers, gatehouse and a hall, plus the surroundings to make it really feel like a fantasy castle.

I've been doing more line art in Photoshop lately which made me think about how I do things quite a lot. While most of the time I will draw things by hand. I think that only really makes sense for world maps for a more traditional feel. When it comes to tokens and battlemaps I can do more (and much much bigger!) by doing things digitally.

Straight lines are much easier anyway :D




It's cool to hear about a personal development like this, sounds like an advantage worth leveraging. This map looks fantastic! Hoping you'll include a second level or more, hard to explain single level castles.


Yes! A castle! I need more castles. :)


Please tell me this will include interiors as well. It looks amazing already, but that would really sell it.