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My version of the Sword Coast from the Forgotten Realms is all done! As you can see in the image above there are all four seasons represented in four seperate maps for you to use and play around with!

This map was primarily made to celebrate the release of the new adventure from Wizards, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist! I am not affiliated with Wizards in any way but I love Waterdeep and I'm looking forward to getting my copy of the adventure and seeing how the new edition of D&D handles a city based module!. 

This was such an interesting map to make in such a well established setting with so many great maps already out there, but I think I put my own spin on it :) 

There are also versions with just the title for printing out, plus versions with named locations and of course plain maps without anything on them at all! 

EDIT: Small change some of the names for the seasons were not correct, all fixed now! :D 

EDIT EDIT: Fixed up the names (changing the Slumber Hills to the correctly named Sumber Hills) Added a black border to names, added a scale and included some extra terms for people running Dragon Heist for use on World Anvil! 




These are fantastic! Well done.


awesome awesome awesome!!!!


This is beautiful! I hope you do the entire North someday for a Storm King's Thunder campaign, that'd be awesome!


You did a wonderful job!

Andrey Plisko

Wow. This is amazing work done! Can I share this one with my local Russian Group here? So they can use in their own campaigns.


Excellent work! It's so nice to see a fresh take of the Sword Coast! Would I be able to use these on a live-stream or are they for private use only?


Great work! Gonna show this to my DM who brought our group in Waterdeep recently! Many thanks, Caeora!