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As the temperature over here in the UK continues to make working on things difficult, I have been doing alot of sketches and line art on a whole bunch of different maps. The good news is, I have 6 maps finished up right now in terms of line art but working on them to colour and finish them up is taking its time! 

Also bear try to bear with me when it comes to sitting down to do streams! If the temperature in my little office is “melting hot” I have to go and work outside :) 

The map above was made for the awesome creator (or co-creator, sorry Janet! <3) of World Anvil that has been talking about my work alot and joining many of the streams. In addition to inviting me along with many other worldbuilders to a little get together in Hyde Park yesterday! If you havnt heard of World Anvil yet and would like to check out what they do (If you like worldbuilding you probably will) The link below should get you started.


I will be colouring this map, as its an awesome little self contained region for creating your own little games and it has some details I can't wait to bring to life!

Also I’m putting the line art for the above Skyforge map on this post, when I colour it on stream you could use it to follow along to try and learn how I colour things! 



World Anvil

Thank you so very much my good sir - it was an incredible and unexpected beautiful present