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While I might not have any goals on my patreon main page, I still have a few long term goals that I've been working on in the background (slowly). Most of these are based on either monetary blocks like a lack of equipment or they are time based. 

One of the bigger goals I have after I hit around $500 a month is an update to my website, making it a place where you can easily find my maps, with filters and so on. This would also be a great place for me to generally talk about things regarding D&D/RPG’s in a blog format and while not a huge priority I still would like a place other than patreon where I can write down my thoughts about things somewhat regularly.

In any case I'm now very close to reaching that mark here on patreon and I thought Id take the time today to just thank everyone that has recently supported me and to those that are continuing to support me. I might not do a shoutout for each new patron or talk about how much I appreciate   you guys as much I would like.. but every month I can see my patreon growing. It drives me on to do better and keep making content. I can never thank all of you enough.

So! I'm now going to try to get the website up and running with all my past content. It might even be done by the end of the month but we will see! :)

Thanks for reading all!  



One of my biggest fears is losing my maps folder (and its backups), because many cartographers do not have a central location for their work if I had to go back to download it all again. This would be an excellent endeavor, purely from a greedy fan's standpoint.


This is a major reason to do this, I've heard (might not be true) but after awhile the oldest patreon posts start being deleted and their is a hard cap on how many you can have on here. So its quite important to have them all in an easy to find location :)