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First up I just want to say thank you to everyone that has recently started supporting me here on patreon and everyone that is still supporting me. Ive had a great month here on patreon with loads of new people finding me and starting to support me, it's so amazing that the majority of my income each month now comes from people that really love my work and want me to keep making stuff. Thank you all so much! <3

Next up, lets talk goals. So a while ago, I took the goals off the patreon sidebar because I wanted to slowly work on them in the background. Starting next month I am going to order a camera and start streaming every Sunday. I might change the day but Sunday is a good day for a lot of people to chill out and watch things on Twitch. 

The reason I want to start streaming is because it will allow me to easily communicate and show off some of the things I’m interested in and working on. I don't have any experience or knowledge of video editing and making stuff for something like youtube, editing and recording etc isn't something I want to spend a huge amount of time on. It would  take away from actually making maps and tokens etc. However with streaming I can just turn it on and start to draw. If people want to ask questions or watch to get some ideas or tips then it makes it a fantastic way for me to do tutorial like content. 

So this post is poll just to see what people are mainly interested in and want to see me stream the most. I have three major areas that I'd love to stream, which are mapmaking, world building and running an RPG game. I will probably start with mapmaking, as I think that's what people would mainly like to watch but the other things I talk about below might come up every now and then.


As most, if not all of my patrons support me to see more maps, I will stream my mapmaking process, from hand drawing content some days to how I colour and create the finished product on other days. A very chilled out stream, where I can chat with people about the maps and other bits and pieces.


I also love to do some worldbuilding at the end of the day as a way of relaxing and getting out some of my creative ideas, this would be a stream using World Anvil, where I write and talk about my setting called the 4th Race. I will also be taking ideas and have abit of collaboration between people watching. This would be another chill stream where I can give advice on worldbuilding in general chat about things, and listen to some ambient music.

Dungeons and Dragons.

As with many people reading this, I love RPG’s and love running games. In the long run I would love to run a game of D&D set in the 4th Race and stream it on Twitch. While this might not happen for a long time i'm still interested in what people think. I've also discussed the ideas with a few other creators so this would be a much more professional stream with a few cool ideas that I'm eager to try and get working.   

A bunch of things still need to be worked out but I will keep everyone updated as things progress. If you like the idea me streaming (or not!) let me know by voting in the poll or leaving a comment if you have any questions or ideas that I could try. Oh and as I haven't ordered a camera yet and I will be using it primarily for zooming in on paper and my maps, if anyone has any experience with cameras and recording let me know if there are any cameras you recommend! :) 

Thanks for reading everyone! 



If you ever want to be a player in an online stream of D&amp;D or other games, hit me up! I stream RPGs on my channel weekly! If you want link, you can message me or reply. As for your question, I'd love to see your design in progress of your maps, so I'm all for cartography streams!


Id love to take a look, I havnt played in a game for ages! :D


um sir. I would choose a D all of the above.


RPG Generic is good for me, I do mostly Savage worlds.