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While I was waiting for the poll results I decided to draw a map that I've wanted to draw for ages now. I wasn't sure how to draw it or how to colour it but I've always had this image in my mind of what the astral plane looks like and I'm pretty happy with what I ended up with. It was pretty tricky to make it look right with a lot of little details, stars and flowing lines.

The astral plane is described as the transitive plane and is largely empty apart from a few floating rocks. But the rocks in this map give players or anyone using the map a place to ground themselves in and come up with interesting encounters. I can certainly imagine this to be the kind of place a crazed wizard might be hiding out or where a lich has set up a hidden laboratory. You could even use this map as a demi-plane for your high level wizard players! :)

180px Grid Size.




Do you happen to have the background you used for this without the land masses? This was one of the first of your maps I used, and now 2 years later my party is returning the Astral to battle an Astral Dreadnought, and I want to have the same feel, but just the void. Thanks!


I love the idea of terrain just appearing out of the astral plane as you move through it.


Yes! More of these planes maps please! There's really nothing good out there on these. Thank you so much for sharing!

Ian Gibson

Very nice! Love the color choice, and the layout of the terrain leaves some very interesting tactical options.


No worries! I must admit the planes series is something I really want to draw XD


Is there any chance when you save the gridless version you can also include the dimensions like you do in the Gridded image name? So Astral Sea Gridless 39x28,


Hmm.. well that number on the grid version is the length of width of the grid itself, since there isnt a grid on the gridless version the only other dimensions that would make sense would be canvas size in pixels or inches :P


omg I feel dumb right now. When I saw planes I thought it was a typo of plains, and joked about "planes" as in flying things. This is WAY BETTER!


Wow, this is awesome


I thought it was a misspelling of 'Plains'. doubley dumb feels.