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Rough order im gonna work on!
I got a document with all the specific details sorted on each commission, all of it divided on files for individual commissions, like this example here:

Im going to send out every file tomorrow to each slot owner as a confirmation order!
Not today because I am ded. Lots of info to sort through lol
I will also post the suggestion post for february tomorrow. Things have been hectic with the openings, so its going to be a wee delayed, expect it around march 2nd, instead of Feb 29th
Im off to finish commissions for the rest of the night!



Dante Astra

Sweetness and I await the call


That's a lot of feet sequences XD


Hey Quimera!! Could I just check if you had sent out the confirmation email to everyone or just the next few in the queue? It’s my first time so just worried I might’ve typo’d my email and missed something from you >< Thanks in advance :D


Henloooo! I actually sent them via patreon inbox, Just checked and you got yours alright! It SHOULD'VE notified you by email, but sometimes it doesn't >:0 Patreon inbox is a rascal sometimes. Still! No matter if you didn't see it, everyone is still in the list and I will get in touch with y'all eventually to begin ;3 RN Tylu, Jessie and Maximo's are the next batch imma work on!