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Warning, Long ass read ahead. I wrote this at 4 am, and I am very sleepy...  Expect some fuckery that doesn't make sense.

TL;DR is:

1-MOST IMPORTANT: Commissions will no longer be first come first serve, I will pick them personally from new submited forms. This is to avoid getting turbo rekt with huge commissions one after the other, and will result in better delivery times (and me being able to take free days lol)
A preview of the new forms can be seen on the image gallery on this post.

2-Commissions will be tentatively open this february 15th. But I will not open them until I finish EVERYTHING on my pending list, such as red's community comic, Roshea's sketch comic, and Calamitus' commission tweaks

3-Prices will be changing. In the title picture you can see the tentative prices. Sketches are also getting price changes, but we also get 2 new types of sketches. Thus the tentative prices for each style is:
Monochrome (Headshot: 20 usd, Halfbody: 30 usd, Fullbody 40 usd)
Colored (HS: 35 usd, HB: 45 usd, FB: 60 usd)
Painted (HS: 40 usd, HB: 50 usd, FB: 65 usd)
These prices come with an up in quality and detail.

As some of you might know, back at the end of october I had to move unexpectedly to get out of a horrible roommate situation, this delayed me a shitton.

The reason I was so absent this last month was because I was turbo sick with a 3 week throat monster infection, it resisted strong antibiotics and left my eye a bloody mess. To top everything off, it made the delay I already had from last point even worse. I think im almost totally healed from this infection, I don't exactly know because I am back in Covid's sweet embrace. Someone pleez send help
Now, to answer what I guess might be your most frequent questions...

[What are the plans on Commissions?]

For now? First and foremost, finish all my pending stuff. I want to have a clean slate before I jump into taking more work.

The tentative date for opening is February 15th. It won't be sooner than that, so you can manage your subscriptions accordingly! Also, no rush in taking a spot, from now on will select each of them and customize my workload. Shot out to Nothere and Blackwolf, who suggested this work mode and helped me design the new forms!  Gone are the days where I had a complex shade comic, a huge reference sheet, 4 phase sequence and a 4 character complex shade illustration right after the other! This way I won't get as overwhelmed and physically hurt by the amount of work I have, as I will be in total control of it. I'm thinking of taking 15 commission slots, and having a delivery time for the last piece of 3 months, latest.

Smallest commissions first, bigger ones later. Thus naturally, the smaller, easiest commissions get delivered sooner.  Due to this system, if you are a lover of bigger works, I heavily encourage you to submit two forms, one with a smaller/medium commission, another with a big commission. Because realistically speaking, I won't be able to take more than 2-3 huge commissions per batch. If your heart is set on a huge commission, consider fractioning it, to be able to work on it on small bits.
You can check out the new forms in the post gallery.

Prices will also be changing, you can see the changes on the price sheet up there.
Sketches will be also increasing their prices, BUT I want to keep affordable options on the table, thus a new tier of sketch is introduced, monochrome sketches, slightly more expensive that current ones. Prices for sketches are going to be as follows:
Monochrome (Headshot: 20 usd, Halfbody: 30 usd, Fullbody 40 usd)
Colored [regular current sketches today] (HS: 35 usd, HB: 45 usd, FB: 60 usd)
Painted (HS: 40 usd, HB: 50 usd, FB: 65 usd)  An example can be seen here
These prices come with an up in quality and detail.
Just as a FYI, painted sketches are going to be really bad for fetish stuff, since they are so vague, undetailed and... well, painterly. Consider using them for artistic nudity commissions, or just artsy-fartsy stuff in general. If you are fine with your fetish commissions not having lots of detail or having dramatic lighting that might obscure juicy bits, you are more than welcome to go ahead and request your commission in this style!

[Any new plans for the patreon?]

YES. But we will get to it after I finish Red's comic. First page is done! here is a sneakpeek that will show you the plot of the comic lol.
So, you guys already won a new monthly reward for all tiers, and I have something in mind that you might like. That said, after we are done with Red's comic and all of its alts, I'm going to overhaul the patreon and get more solid rewards for the higher tiers.  AND THEN I'm going to need your help in brainstorming the next community goal. Still, all of this is on "we will see territory" until I finish Red's comic.

[What the fuck was going on? Why have you been so innactive, hard to reach and seem to be always on a rush?]

So, I will start explaining the origin of every delay I currently have:

This is a long story that I will try to make short, so we can get to the important details. At the begining of 2023 I made my mind to move from my hometown, to Mexico's capital for a variety of reasons, one of those being having the resource to hone my craft and be better at what I do.
I saved and worked like mad from January to June-ish, flew from my hometown to Mexico City to check appartments and found an apparently nice place with two roommates, it had everything near, and even a school where they imparted human figure classes with present models. Exactly what I needed, very safe zone. So I just went on with the moving despite my future roommate, whom we will call Alex, seeming a tad conflictive, as everytime they opened their mouth about past roommates, only spewd negative things.

I talked it with a friend, and we both attributed that to them just being tired of bad Roommates.
Well, fast forward a couple of weeks, and the firsts signs of me being delayed started to be visible, between appartment hunting and the act of packing, moving, waiting for new furniture... it naturally put a dent on my schedule. But that was normal and accounted for, I planned for my commission list to be done by october-november latests, and at this point in the story we are in July. Plenty of time.
I very quickly realize Alex is a confictive person in a very weird sense. 

Between mid-july and the beggining of october, we had quite a bit of friction going on, as you might have read on the post I made in the past, but things escalated horribly mid october... I don't know what kind of demon got into her but she came back even more insufferable.  She was being incredibly hostile, stealing and accusing us from stealing. I quickly looked through options for moving, got my computer out of the appartment into an airbnb with the help of my brother, because Alex LOVED to take expensive stuff from people that owed her money. After some appartment hunting from october 29th-31th, I found a nice place. 

On november 1st I had the moving company over, and they started carrying my things to the truck. Alex was obviously PISSED, we had a screaming match and she tried to take my travel case from me. I guess she thought I had something of value there, that she could hold over my head if she stole it. She destroyed the handle, but I ultimately I kept my suitcase (and plushies I had inside!)
I ended up with an extremely chill and nice roommate, we have each other's backs, and its great. So things are starting to look up on that side. You already know this part of the story as I posted it before.

From november to mid december, I've been working non-stop on tending to the new delays. List was mostly done, but then I got sick with the worst throat infection I've had in my 26 years of life. JESUS. FUCKING. CHRIST. Shitty pic to remain anonymous but look at my eye. Half of it covered in blood because of how hard I was coughing. To this day, January 21st, it still hasn't gone away completely.  Anywhoo, this throat infection left me working at a snails pace from december 13th to January 2nd.

From january 2nd, I got spat out from the holidays into the fact that I was still very much delayed and that I needed to get my shit in order. The infection came back, had to take care of that AGAIN, and the clock was ticking to renew my insurance, I also had to complete the delayed patreon pinups: october and december, AND red's comic, AND any pending commission I had, and a huge list of other "ANDS".
I won't make this story any longer, and I will just say that I finally could renew my insurance, first page of red's comic is done, october and december's pinups are finished and should be online by now/very soon. So, to answer the question on the title of this section "What the fuck was going on? Why have you been so innactive, hard to reach and seem to be always on a rush?"

A lot.
A lot was going on...

However, this is an explanation, not an excuse. Patreon subscription is not free. And its tiring to be patient to someone who is always on crisis mode.
Things are starting to look up, and I'm hopeful I can do better very soon, after finishing all my pending stuff.
I will do better, I promise. This was just a long streak of bad luck, thats all. But while there's life, there's time, and I have a lot of plans and cool stuff I want to show you! Because you guys, YOU, made it possible for me to get through that horrible streak, the support for my work is absolutely incredible, and you deserve nothing but my best.
Regards, Quimera/Lord Burqan




Glad you're finally starting to feel better. I've had my fair share of bad roommates and bad luck, really hope your new place works out well!

Not Here

So happy to help in designing the new system and lowering your stress! I hate that you’ve had such a rough time, since you deserve smooth sailing :)

Awesome Bro

Glad to hear your out of that horrible situation. We're all here for you and will always have our support.