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I enjoyed doing this one a lot, I was actually craving studying a bit of fighter poses, so this one was a great oportunity to do so! Hooray for fighting-type gym leaders!

Still struggling a to keep up with the waiting list. As you guys know lyf has been kinda hectic (its been hectic all year dear god)
But I'm hoping to finally be able to settle down. I'm finally safe, my new roommate is dope and there have been 0 issues with them since I arrived, whereas with my first roomate, I had problems around a week mark. So it gives me hope!

I will be working on Sera's Alts today, sorry for not being able to deliver them earlier.  
While I'm fine, safe and happy, I can tell that working absolute non-stop for a couple of years already has really taken a toll on me. I haven't really drawn any personal art or worked on my novels in a long time, so tbqh, I do be feeling kinda deflated because of that lately. Alas, responsabilities are first and honestly? I'm glad about that. I've been feeling really loved and supported in these tricky times! Thank you guys, to all of you, from the bottom of my heart! I have big plans for the future that I hope I can materialize with my newfound stability, fingers crossed! 

So, from this point on, this text is going to get extra rambly-er... Anywhoo, first things first, Im about to finish my commission list and thus will be able to update both my commission porfolio and my prices. But before even thinking about that I also want to give our patreon a breath of fresh air to make it more awesome. Its already been discussed with a couple of you but I'm thinking about doing video recordings of art process, process gifs and speedpaints in order to better compliment the 10 USD tier. BlckWolf also suggested something that I liked very much, monthly or bimonthly tutorials, that just sounds like the perfect excuse to study art and improve my craft and Im all in.

I also want to add a second monthly pinup, this one being a single piece. Just to add more bang to your buck. Also doing more frequent streaming, all that good stuff...
All of it, lovely ideas, but even before I do any real steps to implement any of that, I do have more pressing matters to attend to. Such as our community comic and reworking my routine lol, its no secret that I utterly suck at being available and that I've been postponing it for way too long. It is in fact mainly my fault, I can't balance big-ass commissions alongside that project haha, hence why I had to restrict them to make space for it (Y'all need jesus, you'd ask for 7 phases complex shade sequences if I left you to your own devices >:( jk I love you)

So I guess you could say our priorities moving forward is Clearing my waiting list, Community comic, being more active on socials (esp discord), and reopening commissions. I'm thinking about a 3 month cycle for them, by the way. But thats something for us to sort once we are ready.
Thank you for reading my rambly shit. Also, please don't write me to inquire about new prices haha! Not trying to be a lil shit, but I still really dont know what my final prices are going to be just yet. All I know is that I've been with those same prices for around 2 years now, and inflation has gone up like cray cray. Me and my wrist miss being able to take a day or two off a week reliably.

That said, I think I spat out everything I wanted to say. Hope my 5am ramblings make sense. I love you all very much, and your messages on my last life update really cheered me up. I couldn't answer them because of how hectic all that situation was, but seeing some of you also had shit roommates made me realize I wasn't an utter failure for not seeing through them sooner, looks like its something that can happen to everyone.
Thank you for everything, guys! I hope to bring up pure good news and cool plans on my next update post.

Much love, Burqan.




The posing on this is so good!

Bono Lomein

The poses 😍😍😍