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Howdy! today we will talking some important deets for commissions!
First thing of all: I will be making the updated list post this sunday and sending their quotes to each slot owner! Also I want to remind you that I am a fuckwit and chronically unaware of my inboxes sometimes, so if you need to reach me urgently, please do so through Patreon inbox or Furaffinity, where my assistant can answer your questions or get my ass to you!

Second thing! I'm looking into moving to a new city very soon, Im going to take a trip to said city this 19th to check the neighbourhood and maybe sign a lease! I will be a bit unavailable for a week or so but once I return I will go back to commissions as normal!

With all the moving preps, me needing time to work on the Community Comic and my arm getting screwed very often recently, I decided that I will be opening sketch slots only until I trim my queue!

I also want to rework the reward system to offer you a way better deal, things I have planned for said rework are a more healthy 3-month-commission cycle where I offer more slots, Video process of commissions, more monthly pinups and probably patreon exclusive streams. But implementing these changes its not something I can manage with so much in my plate, so! sketches-only-commissions will be for a little while!

I got y'all some sketches I've done in the past so you can get a taste of what they look like, the price sheet and all that jazz so you can plan your future commissions accordingly!

EDIT: Also a third point I forgot to make! once you got your slot, if you have the need to drop your patreon membership, dont be afraid to do so! once you got your slot, you won't lose it if you need to cancel your support! I know life happens!
I will still be contacting you through patreon to start your commission, so just pay attention to that! Messages will still get through no problem if you had to cancel, so no need to worry about that later.
Thaaank you!

Have a good day guys!




Not gonna lie, I thought these examples were actual regulars and not sketches. D A Y U M.