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HENLOOO I got this months poll winner! It was a blast as always! I had a lot of fun figuring out her alien design! I went with oranges since I felt they were very characteristic on her, plus it is a nice color on her, don't you agree? <3

Aaaaand I bring a bit of a commission update, just so you guys can peek at my list! 

I will be opening commission slots this May 3rd. I think they will be 4 slots again, as I still need to work on my backlog. I'm still delayed from having my carpal tunnel flare up and all that jazz with my dogs.




I am the next OwO


I wasn't sure at first... because Stich is kinda on the cute-ish side... but MY GOD THIS BEASTLY FORM IS HOT!!! Great work!! &lt;3


Oh wow, this looks so muh better than I would have thought! &lt;3


A futanari version or multi breast version or a combination of the both would be so hot for this one too (just an idea for future content)