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IMPORTANT: I am an utter mess at keeping track of my inboxes since I 100% focus on keeping communication with my current clients. If you have any questions or general inquires. Please message me here on Patreon or Furaffinity. I have a manager here helping me with these inboxes. So your questions can be answered in a more timely manner.

Regarding the list, you can consult it on my site or discord. I will also post it here for your viewing convenience. However, only the site list will be updated constantly! 

  • Bluepaw
  • Lucas
  • Melfur
  • Stoney
  • Minion of the East
  • Silv
  • Neferpitoufan
  • Calamitus
  • BlckWolf
  • Master Shake
  • Tyler Williams 
  • Lucid Otter
  • Mephis
  • Nothere
  • Femto

That will be the rough order I will do them, However I'm a person that gets bored easily so I might swap things here and there to keep things fresh. I also like devoting the amount of time each commission deserves, and giving my wrist proper time to rest.
So Its assured I won't be able to finish all of these in just february (Especially considering we got like 8 Sequences for this round! LOTS of monstergirls coming <333 )

Don't worry, as I've specified, you guys won't have to pay a thing until I can begin it and give you a delivery time!

If you change your mind and don't want the commission anymore by the time I get to you, or you just plain have a financial emergency and need to reschedule your turn, we can cancel or reschedule without any penalization. (Unless I already started it)

And as I stated over discord, Mephis and Nothere can message me anytime they want to get their commission started, as they requested a bit some time before doing so. Femto's already in talks.

I think that's all. And yeah, I just said fuc it and just allowed everyone to get a slot haha! Im sure I won't be regretting this in the future, am I rite :^)



Tyler Williams

Take your time boss I've had one of my favorite artists get hurt when pushing themselves too much so please be careful okay.


Thank you for your comprehension! (๑ →ܫ←)