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1-Name of the character
for identification and so I can look up more references for them (in case they are from a movie/comic/game)

2-TF situation and species for your suggestion! have lots of funzies with this one <3

3-Links to a gallery, picture or album with said character pictures.  Suggestions will be open until April 10th.

Important points and general rules for the Pinup poll and Suggestion Poll (Same points and rules but please READ CAREFULLY)

1-Can be any character. Either Official characters from a piece of media, OCs, FCs are welcome, too!

2- The post to suggest characters for the poll will only be available for patrons on the MOON tier (10 USD) and higher! STAR tier patrons will be able to make two suggestions! The poll to VOTE for the winning character will be open for ALL patrons.

3-On the suggestion post. Please drop images to the character and a fun situation/species for them to TF! Images can be linked via Imgur, galleries, etc. Please be aware that I won’t be opening suspicious links x.x

4- The pinup for this month should be delivered before the end of this month.




Midna (Imp or True form) being transformed to a werewolf

Sazerac Man

Chloe Frazer from Uncharted transforming to anthro leopard


Panam Palmer turning into a cumming, foot loving desert panther anthro after smelling her own sweaty feet https://vulkk.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/panam-palmer-03-720x540.jpg


Ellie from the Last of Us turning into a foot loving anthro werewolf after stepping in a puddle of cum https://imgs.search.brave.com/aH7Wffq5vgysef45p0euzGauOJ9f0S6hANCzYiu9OI4/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vb3Jp/Z2luYWxzL2NkLzVk/Lzk3L2NkNWQ5N2Uz/M2U1ZjYxZGJkM2Vl/NDVkOTBkNmM1YjRi/LmpwZw