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Heyyyy guys!!
So!! I had an idea for a new patreon tier that we're thinking about launching in 2024, separate livestreams entirely dedicated to taking art that patrons have submitted and giving some advice while also walking everyone through the process I would use to study the aspects that could be improved!
I'm not positive that we /will/ end up launching this tier, or when it would be launched if we do, but this month I'd like to dedicate our two streams to giving the idea a test run! (And totally not because I accidentally left my switch at Robyns house, so I cant play MM rn, lol)

I've made a google forms to accept submissions and ask a few questions to help personalize our feedback, we almost definitely wont be able to get to every submission we receive but we'll do as many as we can! I'd also like to say up front that these streams will not in any way 'roast' the art we receive, even though we will be critiquing things we aren't going to be negative. Positive and productive is the goal!

You can submit any one piece you'd like feedback on here: https://forms.gle/FXwUn3Qj3UqTdBQ79

We don't have the dates for the streams set just yet, but we'll get that settled soon! Don't forget both these streams will be 5 hours instead of 4 to make up for ending the last one early : )



Ooo this sounds like an awesome idea! Always looking for ways to improve


Oh my goooOOOOOooosh YES. I've been having SO much trouble finding a good design for a serial killer/slasher/horror themed prism OC, I think it would be really fun!!!! I've made SO many passes at this girl and getting some critique from the OG themself would be the absolute dream ;A;